Academic Programs at INFO
Through Academic Programs at INFO, students are prepared to be tomorrow’s thought leaders in applications of information and technology for social good – fostering access to information, improving information interfaces, and expanding how information is used in an evolving world.
#2 in USA
Master of Library and Information Science Online
#4 in USA
Master of Library and Information Science
#6 in USA
Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction
#12 in USA
University of Maryland as a Public University

With a history of activism, the UMD INFO College continues today to champion accessibility, diversity, inclusion, and democratization of information. Our faculty, staff, and 2600+ students come to us from over 61 countries and create a welcoming and encouraging environment. 43% of our students identify as female and 66% of our students identify as Asian (29%), Black (24%), Hispanic/Latino (9%), American Indian or Alaskan Native (<1%), Pacific Islander (<1%), or Biracial (4%). Diversity and inclusion are central to the mission of the college, with many of our courses, research projects, events, and community partnerships designed to address challenges and promote inclusion of historically excluded communities.