Alumni of the UMD INFO College’s Ph.D. Program

Our Ph.D. Alumni have acquired opportunities across the world and developing a global community at the UMD INFO College.

Listed below are all alumni of the UMD INFO College’s Ph.D. Program, by decade, including their year of graduation, first job placement post-graduation, dissertation title (and link to the dissertation where applicable), and their faculty advisor(s).

Ph.D. Alumni 2020 - Present

———————— 2024 ————————

Salma Elsayed-Ali

  • Year of Graduation: 2024
  • Dissertation: Personal Objects as Design Materials
  • Faculty Advisors: Dr. Joel Chan and Dr. Beth Bonsignore

Kristine Rogers

  • Year of Graduation: 2024
  • First Placement: Technology Research, US Government
  • Dissertation: Change Detection: Theoretical and applied approaches for providing updates related to a topic of interest
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Doug Oard

Amy Wickner

  • Year of Graduation: 2024
  • First Placement: Electronic Records Archivist (Librarian III), Special Collections and University Archives, University of Maryland
  • Dissertation: Archival Workers as Climate Advocates
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Katie Shilton

———————— 2023 ————————

Kelly Hoffman

Nihal Katirci

Eric Newburger

Daniel Pauw

Ekta Shokeen

———————— 2022 ————————

Andrea Batch

Marina Cascaes Cardoso

Emma Dixon

Courtney Douglass

Xiaoyun Huang

Yuhan Luo

Alisha Pradhan

Nekabari “Nikki” Sigalo

———————— 2021 ————————

Kim Glasgow

Priya Kumar

Yuting Liao

Jiahui Wu

———————— 2020 ————————

Karen Boyd

Andrew Casertano

Joohee Choi

Fiona Jardine

  • Year of Graduation: 2020
  • First placement: Masters of Science in Nursing student at the School of Nursing at Johns Hopkins University; ALPP Advanced Lactation Consultant; Certified Postpartum Doula; Editor; Adjunct at the University of Maryland’s INFO College
  • Dissertation Title: Breastfeeding Without Nursing: The Lived Experiences of Exclusive Pumpers
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Beth St. Jean

Gagan Jindal

Lesley Langa

Edward Summers

Ph.D. Alumni 2010 - 2019

Elizabeth Warrick

P. Kenyon Crowley

Lisa M Federer

Lingzi Hong

Christie Kodama

Myeong Lee

Alina Goldman Striner

Zahra Ashktorab

Rebecca Follman

Chi Young Oh

Jyothi Vinjumur

Amanda Waugh

Ning Gao

Brenna McNally

Xu Meng

Anthony James Pellicone

Christina Pikas

Jinyoung Kim

Yurong He

Elizabeth Bonsignore

Jeffery DiScala

Anne Bowser

Chad Doran

Ursula Gorham-Oscilowski

Brian Real

Natalie Taylor

Tan Xu

Elizabeth Foss

Jessica Koepfler

Irene Eleta Mogollon

Susan Copeland Wilson

Dana Rotman

An-Shou Cheng

Gregory Walsh

Kathryn Newton Lawley

Chia-jung Tsui

Pengyi Zhang

Ph.D. Alumni 2000 - 2009

Rachael Leigh Bradley

Xiaoli Huang

Sheri Anita Massey

Miriam Matteson

Philip Fei Wu

Yejun Wu

Soojung Kim

Kara Anne Reuter

Jinmook Kim

Martha Patricia Verdines-Arredondo

Jianqiang Wang

Jin Soo Chung

Ana Flavia Fonseca

  • Year of Graduation: 2003
  • First Placement: University of Maryland, University College.
  • Dissertation Title: The Effect of an Integrated Knowledge Management Architecture on Organizational Performance and Impact: The Case of the World Bank
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Dagobert Soergel

Wiwat Puntai

  • Year of Graduation: 2003
  • First Placement: Mahidol University, Thailand
  • Dissertation Title: Evaluating Web-based Instructional Messages According to Principles of Instructional Design: A Content Analysis
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Dagobert Soergel & Dr. Delia Neuman

Anthony Y. Tse

  • Year of Graduation: 2003
  • Dissertation Title: Identifying and Characterizing a Consumer Medical Vocabulary
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Dagobert Soergel

Anita H. Komlodi

  • Year of Graduation: 2002
  • First Placement: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Dissertation Title: Search History for User Support in Information-Seeking Interfaces
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Dagobert Soergel

Emily E. Marsh

  • Year of Graduation: 2002
  • Dissertation Title: Rhetorical Relationships between Images and Text in Webpages
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Dagobert Soergel

Laura Slaughter

  • Year of Graduation: 2002
  • First Placement: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  • Dissertation Title: Semantic Relationships in Health Consumer Questions and Physicians Answers: A Basis for Representing Medical Knowledge for Concept Exploration Interfaces
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Dagobert Soergel and Dr. Marilyn White

Lisl Zach

  • Year of Graduation: 2002
  • First Placement: Louisiana State University
  • Dissertation Title: When Is “Enough” Enough: An Investigation of the Information-Seeking Behavior of Senior Arts Administrators
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Abels

Allen Brewer

  • Year of Graduation: 2000
  • Dissertation Title: Deterministic Inductive Logic: A Multi-valued Logic for Reasoning about Categories
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Walston
Ph.D. Alumni 1990 - 1999

Wei Ding

  • Year of Graduation: 1999
  • Dissertation Title: Cognitive Processing of Multimodal Surrogates for Video Browsing
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel and Dr. Marchionini

Karla Hahn

  • Year of Graduation: 1999
  • First Placement: University Library System, University of Maryland
  • Dissertation Title: Electronic Journals as Innovations: A Study of Author and Editor Early Adopters
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. White

Susan Claire Boerner

  • Year of Graduation: 1998
  • First Placement: Capital College
  • Dissertation Title: A Study of Novice Searchers’ Evolving Task and Topic Knowledge
  • Faculty Advisor Dr. Soergel and Dr. White

Huei Chung Lee

  • Year of Graduation: 1998
  • First Placement: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Dissertation Title: Cognitive Processes in Document-Oriented Indexing
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel

Deborah Kay Barreau

  • Year of Graduation: 1997
  • First Placement: Catholic University of America
  • Dissertation Title: Information Systems for Organizations and the Problem of Ephemeral Information
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Marchionini

Danuta A. Nitecki

  • Year of Graduation: 1995
  • First Placement: University Library System, University of Maryland
  • Dissertation Title: An Assessment of the Applicability of SERVQUAL Dimensions as Customer-Based Criteria for Evaluating Quality of Services in an Academic Library
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wasserman

Peiling Wang

  • Year of Graduation: 1994
  • First Placement: The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Dissertation Title: A Cognitive Model of Document Selection of Real Users in Information Retrieval Systems
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel

Valerie Florance

  • Year of Graduation: 1994
  • First Placement: University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Dissertation Title: A Clinical Extract of Biomedical Literature for Patient-Centered Problem Solving
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Marchionini

Peter John Evans

  • Year of Graduation: 1993
  • First Placement: Deakin University, Australia
  • Dissertation Title: The Enabling and Disabling Effects of a Hypermedia Information Environment on Information-Seeking and Use in an Undergraduate Course (Perseus Database)
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Marchionini

Peter Liebscher

  • Year of Graduation: 1993
  • First Placement: Long Island University
  • Dissertation Title: Information-Seeking in Hypertext: Multiple Access Methods in a Full-Text Hypertext Database
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Marchionini

Xia Lin

  • Year of Graduation: 1993
  • First Placement: Drexel University
  • Dissertation Title: Self-Organizing Semantic Maps as Graphical Interfaces for Information Retrieval
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Marchionini and Dr. Soergel

Mu-Hsuan Huang

  • Year of Graduation: 1992
  • First Placement: National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  • Dissertation Title: Pausing Behavior of End-Users in Online Searching
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. White

Paul Solomon

  • Year of Graduation: 1991
  • First Placement: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Dissertation Title: Information Systems for Children: Explorations in Information Access and Interface Usability for an Online Catalog in an Elementary School Library
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel

Nancy Daniel Wright

  • Year of Graduation: 1991
  • First Placement: National Library of Medicine
  • Dissertation Title: A Citation Context Analysis of Retracted Scientific Articles (Retractions, Bibliometrics)
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kidd

Sybille Anna Jagusch

  • Year of Graduation: 1990
  • First Placement: Library of Congress
  • Dissertation Title: First Among Equals: Caroline M. Hewins and Anne C. Moore. Foundations of Library Work with Children
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Macleod

Wendy Ann Simmons

  • Year of Graduation: 1990
  • First Placement: U.S. Department of State
  • Dissertation Title: Volunteer Intermediaries in Rural Information Services: A Study of Seke District, Zimbabwe (Legal Assistants)
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kidd

Xianhua Wang

  • Year of Graduation: 1990
  • First Placement: University of Wisconsin-WhiteWater
  • Dissertation Title: Knowledge-Based Selection of Databases: An Algorithm and Its Evaluation (Online Searching, System Design)
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel
Ph.D. Alumni 1980 - 1989

Diane Ledbetter Barlow

  • Year of Graduation: 1989
  • First Placement: University of Maryland, College Park
  • Dissertation Title: The Communication of Science Information to Children Through Trade Books: The Nature of Authorship (Children’s Literature)
  • Faculty Advisor Dr. Macleod

Rebecca Joyce Green

  • Year of Graduation: 1989
  • First Placement: University of Maryland, College Park
  • Dissertation Title: The Expression of Syntagmatic Relationships in Frame-Based Indexing
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. White

Helen Ruth Tibbo

  • Year of Graduation: 1989
  • First Placement: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • Dissertation Title: Abstracts, Online Searching, and the Humanities: An Analysis of the Structure and Content of Abstracts of Historical Discourse
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kidd

Brigitte Duces

  • Year of Graduation: 1985
  • First Placement: World Bank
  • Dissertation Title: The Role of Information in the Adoption of Agricultural Innovations (Diffusion, Decision-Making)
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel

Arthuree Rosemille Mclaughlin Wright

  • Year of Graduation: 1985
  • First Placement: Howard University
  • Dissertation Title: Access to Publication Channels in Urban Education: An Assessment of Authorship and Citation Patterns
  • Faculty Advisor</ strong>: Dr. Kidd

Lee Putnam

  • Year of Graduation: 1983
  • First Placement: University of Hawaii-Manoa
  • Dissertation Title: Organization Structure and Work Group Performance
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wasserman

Raya Fidel

  • Year of Graduation: 1982
  • First Placement: University of Washington
  • Dissertation Title: Constructing a Pattern Model of Man-Machine Interaction in Online Literature Searching
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel

Mahvash Keshmiri Momeni

  • Year of Graduation: 1982
  • First Placement: Washington Gas
  • Dissertation Title: Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting the Adaptations of the Dewey Decimal Classification in the Middle East
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wellisch

Benedict Onyechinyere Igwe

  • Year of Graduation: 1981
  • First Placement: Washington Gas
  • Dissertation Title: The Values of the Librarian: A Cross-Cultural Study of the Students of Library and Information Science in the United States and Nigeria
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wasserman

Alexis Jean Jamieson

  • Year of Graduation: 1981
  • Dissertation Title: Comprehension of Entries in Printed Indexes
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel

Sinikka Pirjo Koskiala

  • Year of Graduation: 1980
  • First Placement: Tampere University of Technology, Finland
  • Dissertation Title: Flow of Technical Information Through the Industrial Information Services in Finland
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel
Ph.D. Alumni 1970 - 1979

Andrea Michele Burgard

  • Year of Graduation: 1979
  • Dissertation Title: Annual Reviews as Indicators of the Developing Structure of Scientific Disciplines
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kidd

Tamas Endre Doszkocs

  • Year of Graduation: 1979
  • First Placement: National Library of Medicine
  • Dissertation Title: AID, An Associative Interactive Dictionary for Online Bibliographic Searching
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kidd

Richard Harold Lytle

  • Year of Graduation: 1979
  • Dissertation Title: Subject Retrieval in Archives: A Comparison of the Provenance and Content Indexing Methods
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel

Dennis Damian McDonald

  • Year of Graduation: 1979
  • First Placement: Westat Research in Rockville Maryland
  • Dissertation Title: Interactions Between Scientists and the Journal Publishing Process
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kidd

Karen Brounstein Levitan

  • Year of Graduation: 1976
  • Dissertation Title: Functions of Scientific Societies: Views of Biomedical Scientists
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel

Katherine Helen Packer

  • Year of Graduation: 1975
  • First Placement: University of Toronto, Canada
  • Dissertation Title: Methods Used by Chemists and Chemical Engineers in Canadian Universities to Maintain Current Awareness with Special Reference to the Use of SDI Systems
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Soergel

Hans Hanan Wellisch

  • Year of Graduation: 1975
  • First Placement: University of Maryland, College Park
  • Dissertation Title: The Conversion of Scripts: Its Nature, History and Utilization with Particular Reference to Bibliographic Control
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Heilprin

Evelyn Hope Daniel

  • Year of Graduation: 1974
  • First Placement: University of Toronto, Canada
  • Dissertation Title: The Organizational Position of School Media Centers: An Analysis of the Role of the School Library and the School Librarian
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Reynolds

Elaine Carol Frank Sloan

  • Year of Graduation: 1973
  • First Placement: Columbia University
  • Dissertation Title: The Organization of Collection Development in Large University Research Libraries
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wasserman

Jane Borsch Robbins

  • Year of Graduation: 1972
  • First Placement: University of Pittsburgh
  • Dissertation Title: Policy Formation in American Public Libraries: Effects of Citizen Participation
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wasserman

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