Filtered by: Events
UMD iSchool Sends 30 Students to Grace Hopper Celebration
October 27, 2020 | Mia K. HinckleThe annual Grace Hopper Celebration brings together 30,000+ women in tech from across 115+ countries.
(Video) engAGED: Considering Technology and Access for Older Adults Discussion
September 25, 2020 | iSchool NewsResearch experts from the UMD iSchool and School of Nursing discuss the use of and access to technology among older adults.
November GradTerp Exchange speakers: Donny Pearson (Physics), Nicole Barbour (Biology), Karrin Thompson (Library and Information Science)(left to right)
Stepping Outside of the Comfort Zone: An MLIS Student’s Experience Presenting at GradTerp Exchange
June 12, 2020 | Karrin Thompson, UMD iSchool MLIS StudentGradTerp Exchange is a monthly speaker series in which The Graduate School invites 3-4 graduate students and postdocs to share their re …
Dr. Jen Golbeck, Dr. Charles Harry, and Dr. Naeemul Hassan
Fighting Disinformation to Save Democracy
March 23, 2020 | Hayleigh MooreUMD’s third annual Data Challenge (Photo by Jelena Dakovic)