Archival Science
Advancing how we build and curate archives through co-design with communities, computational science, and other emerging methodology.
Research Projects
Harnessing Generative AI to Support Exploration and Discovery in Library and Archival Collection
Principal Investigator(s): Richard Marciano
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Archival Science > Machine Learning, AI, Computational Linguistics, and Information Retrieval
Harnessing generative AI to support exploration and discovery in library and archival collections.
Principal Investigator(s): Richard Marciano
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Archival Science > Machine Learning, AI, Computational Linguistics, and Information Retrieval
Harnessing generative AI to support exploration and discovery in library and archival collections.
UMD INFO College Fellows Program at the National Agricultural Library
Principal Investigator(s): Katrina Fenlon
Funder: US Department of Agriculture
Research Areas: Archival Science > Digital Humanities > Library and Information Science > Youth Experience, Learning, and Digital Practices
Principal Investigator(s): Katrina Fenlon
Funder: US Department of Agriculture
Research Areas: Archival Science > Digital Humanities > Library and Information Science > Youth Experience, Learning, and Digital Practices
Mapping Inequality — Redlining in New Deal America
Principal Investigator(s): Richard Marciano
Research Areas: Archival Science
Providing online access to the totality of the maps and neighborhood descriptions for the national redlining collection.
Principal Investigator(s): Richard Marciano
Research Areas: Archival Science
Providing online access to the totality of the maps and neighborhood descriptions for the national redlining collection.
Recent News
(Video) CAFe Speaker Series: “Centering Community and Care in Rapid Response Research”
Featuring Anna Kijas, Assistant Director of Digital Scholarship, Head of the Lilly Music Library, Tufts UniversityPhoto licensed by Adobe Stock