
Filtered by: Adjunct Faculty
Lesley Langa

Lesley Langa
Adjunct Lecturer (Associate Research Scientist at OCLC)


Alla Levin
Adjunct Lecturer (Program Manager at Office of Naval Intelligence)

Evan Levy

Evan Levy
Adjunct Lecturer (Partner at Integral Data LLC - Data Management Consulting)

Lee Lipscomb

Lee Lipscomb
Adjunct Lecturer (Assistant Librarian at Federal Judicial Center; Adjunct Professor at The Catholic University of America)

Geoffrey Malafsky

Geoffrey Malafsky
Adjunct Lecturer (CEO Technik Interlytics, President & Chief Scientist SafeHaven LLC)

Rachael Marr

Rachael Marr
Adjunct Lecturer (Leader, Product Design at Cisco)

Sheri Massey

Sheri Anita Massey
Adjunct Lecturer (Library Media Specialist)

Abdirisak Mohamed

Abdirisak Mohamed
Adjunct Lecturer (Development Expert at SAP)

Kathleen Moore

Kathleen Moore
Adjunct Lecturer (Professor of Data Science at US Army War College)

Sarah Morris
Adjunct Lecturer (Research Coordinator and Instructional Strategist, National Science Foundation ARTT Project )

Richard Panzer

Richard Panzer
Adjunct Lecturer (VP of Innovation at IQ Solutions)

David Patrick

David Patrick
Adjunct Lecturer (Subject Matter Expert at DSA)

Matthew Patrick

Matthew Patrick
Adjunct Lecturer (Computer Scientist at Army Futures Command)

Amber Pierdinock-Weed

Amber Pierdinock-Weed
Teaching and Learning Librarian


Michael Prakhye
Adjunct Lecturer (Chief Information Security Officer at Adventist HealthCare.)

Faisal Quader

Faisal Quader
Adjunct Professor

Vera Rhoads

Vera Rhoads
Adjunct Instructor