About - College of Information (INFO)

About the UMD INFO College

The University of Maryland (UMD) College of Information (INFO) is a top-ranked research and teaching college in the field of information science, located just outside Washington DC.

At INFO, faculty, staff, students, and partners are expanding the frontiers of how information and technology are accessed and used in a rapidly evolving world. We are combining principles of information science with cutting-edge technology to foster access to information, improve information interfaces, and expand how information is used in an evolving world.

Throughout all of our endeavors, we are committed to utilizing information and technology for good – to connect communities, empower individuals, and create opportunities.

#2 in USA
Master of Library and Information Science Online
#4 in USA
Master of Library and Information Science
#9 in USA
Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction
#12 in USA
University of Maryland as a Public University