NEWS - UMD's College of Information (INFO)


Filtered by: Health Informatics
Chalkboard drawing of a gun

Dr. Zubin Jelveh: Machine Learning Can Predict Shooting Victimization Well Enough to Help Prevent It

June 27, 2022 | Mia K. Hinckle

Using arrest and victimization records from the Chicago PD, a machine learning model can predict the risk of being shot in the next 18 …

A collage of bright abstract patternswith colours of red, purple, green, andgold frame a hand drawn face with looping black lines. Above the face reads the title of the JournalIncluding Disability. This is also handwritten in beautiful cursive vertically at the centre of the page,overlapping with the colourful cutout

Created by Alex Pilon, Artistic Director, Including Disability

iSchool Faculty and Staff Join Global Team to Launch New Publication

April 15, 2022 | Hayleigh Moore

"Including Disability" offers innovative approaches to eliminating systemic barriers and gives voice to disabled people.

The Embodied Labs logo which features a silhouette of a human head with a white letter E over top, and text to the right that reads "Embodied Labs." A collage of images showing older adults laughing and screenshots of a VR experience are to the left of the logo.

MLIS Alumni Spotlight: The Joys of Aging Using VR – Erin Washington, MLIS ‘09

April 13, 2022 | Hayleigh Moore

Creating first-person, virtual reality experiences to enhance empathy and address growing issues in the caretaking industry.

The HCIL logo, which is a white circle with black trim and the text HCIL written inside next to an illustrated drawing of a silhouetted side profile. The HCIL logo is next to the CHI logo that reads "CHI 2022" in front of a purple silhouette of the New Orleans skyline.

HCIL Faculty and Students to Participate in CHI 2022

April 12, 2022 | Hayleigh Moore

23 members of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab will present their research at prestigious HCI conference.

Testudo with Giving Day 2022 logo

Maryland Giving Day – March 9, 2022

March 8, 2022 | Hayleigh Moore

Read about one student's inspirational story and how Giving Day is helped her pursue a degree in information science.

Photo featuring Alexa and Siri

Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

Work on the Use of Intelligent Voice Assistants by Older Adults Wins ACM TOCHI Best Paper Award

January 28, 2022 | Liz Zogby

The paper by iSchool PhD student Alisha Pradhan, iSchool assistant professor Dr. Amanda Lazar, and University of Washington’s Dr. Lea …

Image of The Promise of Access book cover

STEM Education Struggle in the U.S.: The Key Piece We’ve Been Missing

April 12, 2021 | UMD iSchool Staff

In The Promise of Access, Dr. Daniel Greene shares a radical perspective on why tech solutions aren’t solving complex socia …

Photo of Jesse Anderson and Veeraj Shah with red text and gray background

Jesse Anderson, College of Information Studies (left); Veeraj Shah, School of Public Health (right)

Jesse Anderson, InfoSci ’22, to Compete as Finalist in the UMD Do Good Challenge!

March 4, 2021 | UMD iSchool Staff

Anderson and partner Veeraj Shah's startup nonprofit organization, Chat Health, will be showcased as the competition continues through …