Smart Cities and Connected Communities - Page 2 of 4 - College of Information (INFO)

Smart Cities and Connected Communities

Integrating people, data, devices, infrastructure, and institutions to realize the potential of communities.

Research Projects

NSF Convergence Accelerator Track J: MidAtlantic Food Resiliency Network – Securing the Future of Food through a Multi-Mindset Approach
Principal Investigator(s): Vanessa Frias-Martinez
Funder: National Science Foundation
Research Areas: Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization > Smart Cities and Connected Communities
The Mid-Atlantic Food Resiliency Network (MFRN) aims to improve food security in the Mid-Atlantic, starting in Prince George’s County. Collaborating across multiple disciplines, the MFRN will develop tools and systems to reduce hunger, waste, and food deserts. Initiatives include understanding food behaviors, repurposing food waste, and training future food security leaders.

Recent News

2024 Maryland Statewide Digital Equity Summit

Press Release: Best Practices & Collaborative Strategies in Digital Equity: Get Ready for the 2024 Maryland Statewide Digital Equity Summit

Experts will gather at the 2024 Maryland Digital Equity Summit to share strategies for advancing digital inclusion.
Google Cloud conference room. Huge screen with a crow of people.

UMD Graduate Students Attend Google Cloud Next ‘24 Conference in Las Vegas

A look into two graduate students’ experience learning about the latest technological advancements and the future of AI