
Filtered by: Social Networks, Online Communities, and Social Media
photo of the twitter logo with a shadow of someone's hand holding a lock on top

Mic: The Bitcoin scam that hit Twitter could have been way worse, featuring Jen Golbeck

July 23, 2020 | AJ Dellinger

Recent Twitter hacks demonstrate how misusage of the platform can be detrimental depending on the goals and timing of the attackers. …

Person taking a photo on a smart phone of the nature in front of them

Medium: Engaging the Commons in Participatory Sensing

June 22, 2020 | Yongle Zhang

Research on participatory sensing, the practice of using human participants to gather data on their mobile devices from their environm …

phones recording a blurry unintelligible background

Brookings: Where Would Racial Progress in Policing be Without Camera Phones? featuring Nicol Turner Lee

June 12, 2020 | Nicol Turner Lee

Technology is becoming part of the story regarding how marginalized populations in the U.S.

UMD iSchool Researcher, Jen Golbeck, Interprets Social Media Giant Facebook’s Ongoing Missteps

UMD iSchool Researcher, Jen Golbeck, Interprets Social Media Giant Facebook’s Ongoing Missteps

May 2, 2019 | iSchoolNews

The Trouble With Facebook
Researcher Interprets Social Media Giant's Ongoing Missteps

Jen Golbeck Shares Thoughts on the Psychological Effects of ‘Likes’ on Social Media Posts

Jen Golbeck Shares Thoughts on the Psychological Effects of ‘Likes’ on Social Media Posts

May 1, 2019 | iSchoolNews

Twitter and Instagram Are Starting to Imagine a World Without ‘Likes’

Jen Golbeck Discusses the Rise of Online Trolls and How People Can Protect Themselves from Online Harassment

Jen Golbeck Discusses the Rise of Online Trolls and How People Can Protect Themselves from Online Harassment

April 26, 2019 | Euan Kerr & Jeffrey Bissoy, MPR News

Inside the world of an internet troll: How web users can protect themselves online