NEWS - UMD's College of Information (INFO)



Congratulations to the 2020-2021 iSchool Awards Recipients

May 7, 2021 | iSchool News

The iSchool Awards Committee is pleased to announce the iSchool Awards Recipients for the 2020-2021 academic year!

photo of LaRia Rogers smiling

Alumni Spotlight: Alumna and Trailblazer Lands Career in UX Design – LaRia Rogers MIM ‘20

May 3, 2021 | iSchool News

Driven to pursue a higher education, LaRia Rogers, MIM ’20, found a second home at the University of Maryland College of Information …

Student Spotlight: iSchool Undergrad Became Inaugural Student Co-Chair of IAC – Claire Morville, BSIS ‘21

Student Spotlight: iSchool Undergrad Became Inaugural Student Co-Chair of IAC – Claire Morville, BSIS ‘21

April 14, 2021 | iSchool News

Claire Morville, BSIS ’21, became immediately enthralled with everything the UMD community had to offer. At first, she had her sights …

Image of The Promise of Access book cover

STEM Education Struggle in the U.S.: The Key Piece We’ve Been Missing

April 12, 2021 | UMD iSchool Staff

In The Promise of Access, Dr. Daniel Greene shares a radical perspective on why tech solutions aren’t solving complex socia …

UMD iSchool Takes #4 Spot in U.S. Rankings

April 7, 2021 | Hayleigh Moore

Library and information studies, youth services, and information systems are among programming areas to earn top-five rankings.

graphic of gears with elements inside of them like an @ symbol, magnifying glass, paper clip, and anchor

iSchool’s New Interest Group Explores Advancements in Search Mastery and Education

April 5, 2021 | Hayleigh Moore

Providing an accessible environment for those interested in search mastery, search education, and search behavior. 

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Womens’ Right to Vote: Free Exhibits

March 22, 2021 | UMD iSchool Staff

Free, virtual women's suffrage exhibits compiled in honor of Women's History Month and the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment.

Photo of Jesse Anderson and Veeraj Shah with red text and gray background

Jesse Anderson, College of Information Studies (left); Veeraj Shah, School of Public Health (right)

Jesse Anderson, InfoSci ’22, to Compete as Finalist in the UMD Do Good Challenge!

March 4, 2021 | UMD iSchool Staff

Anderson and partner Veeraj Shah's startup nonprofit organization, Chat Health, will be showcased as the competition continues through …

A Library’s Guidebook to Surviving During Crisis: Now Available

March 3, 2021 | Press Release

Developed by LIS experts + 137 library staff across the nation innovating to serve their communities during COVID-19 and civic unrest.