NEWS - UMD's College of Information (INFO)



Loud Gleeful Learning

November 5, 2021 | Caro Williams-Pierce

Supporting and provoking adult play in formal contexts.

Colorful Logo that reads "ASSETS 2021" with additional text "October 18th through 22nd"

ASSETS 2021 celebrated 50 years of its sponsor, ACM SIGACCESS, including a 1970s-inspired logo designed by Rachel Wood, a Trace-affiliated PhD student in the UMD iSchool.

Trace Faculty and Students Contribute to a Successful Virtual ASSETS 2021

November 3, 2021 | iSchool News

Trace faculty and students contribute work and play key leadership roles at ASSETS 2021, which marks landmark 50th anniversaries for bo …

Gagan Jindal pictured with plants in the background smiling at the camera

PhD Alumni Spotlight: Navigating the HUman eXperience – Gagan Jindal, ‘20

October 28, 2021 | Hayleigh Moore

Gagan Jindal’s unexpected journey to creating a more accessible and meaningful user experience for all.

A manuscript from the Reclaiming Heritage digital collection with text that reads: Reclaiming Heritage Digitizing Nipmuc Histories from Colonial Documents

Photos courtesy of American Antiquarian Society

Digitized 17-18th Century Documents Shed Light on Nipmuc History

October 20, 2021 | iSchool News

iSchool PhD student Lydia Curliss co-curated new online exhibit on the relationship between the indigenous Nipmuc communities and settl …

Two women looking into the camera smiling

Precious Abujana (left) and Andrea N Gutmann Fuentes (right)

iSchool Students Precious Abujana and Andrea Gutmann Fuentes awarded 2021 ALA Spectrum Scholarships

October 14, 2021 | Hayleigh Moore

Abujana and Fuentes are among the American Library Association’s 60 Spectrum Scholarship award recipients for 2021.

Citizen Panel: What Values Should Regulate Social Media?

October 13, 2021 | iSchool News

iSchool PhD student Anna Lenhart & EViD Lab host citizen panel on what values should impact legislation on content moderation of so …

Dr. Jonathan Lazar giving a presentation with a slide that reads: "What do we mean by digital accessibility?

Dr. Jonathan Lazar Delivering a Lecture on Digital Accessibility

Jonathan Lazar Named Director of the Trace R&D Center

October 11, 2021 | Liz Zogby

After 50 years, Trace Founder and Director Gregg Vanderheiden passes the gavel to a new director to carry the Trace legacy of accessibi …

Spooktacular Field Study: Adding Congressional Cemetery Graves to Google Arts and Culture

October 8, 2021 | Rosie Grant

iSchool MLIS student, Rosie Grant, shares her internship experience as a digital archivist for one of DC’s oldest cemeteries.

A headshot of Priya Kumar

PhD Alumni Spotlight: Examining the "Datafication" of Family Life – Priya Kumar, PhD ‘21

September 29, 2021 | Hayleigh Moore

From interests in public policy and journalism, to a fascination for social media’s influence on entire industries, Priya Kumar “fe …