Filtered by: Profile

Evviva Weinraub, MLS 2006, Named Vice Provost for University of Buffalo Libraries
May 31, 2019 | iSchoolNews
Alumni Profile: Aderonke Adeniji, MIM, Class of 2005
May 30, 2019 | iSchool NewsTechnology is a consistently evolving field. Those working in cybersecurity have a duty to keep their minds sharp and focused on how th …

Alumni Spotlight: Cybersecurity for the U.S. House of Representatives – Aderonke Adeniji, MIM ’05
May 15, 2019 | iSchool News
MLIS Alumna Uses Concepts Learned in MLIS Program to Make Metadata More Valuable to her Work at NASA
March 13, 2019 | Morgan Adle Caroline DroginInterview with Adrienne Hieb, Metadata Librarian at NASA Goddard and MLIS Program Graduate

Interview with Holly McIntyre, Archivist at NASA Goddard and MLIS Program Alumna
February 21, 2019 | Morgan Adle Caroline DroginShe knows so much about NASA’s current projects and history, but she isn’t a scientist, she’s an archivist. In fact, she’s the …

Dr. Naeemul Hassan to join the UMD colleges of Journalism and Information Studies
February 7, 2019 | iSchoolNews
MLIS Alum Uses Knowledge and Passion to Improve Information Access for Future Queer and Trans People
October 23, 2018 | iSchoolNewsDuring their tenure, Hagelin managed the LGBT Equity Library and worked on digital collections and digital collection, which sparked th …