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aerial photo of Amazon's Alexa

Universities at Shady Grove Blog: How Technology is Helping People with Traumatic Brain Injuries

July 20, 2020 | Galina Madjaroff Reitz

Amazon's Alexa can help people with brain injuries regain independence and feel supported in their own home.

photo of an open notebook with text on the left and hand drawings on the right

Smithsonian Magazine: Help Transcribe Field Notes Penned by S. Ann Dunham, a Pioneering Anthropologist and Barack Obama’s Mother, featuring Diana Marsh

July 20, 2020 | Courtney Sexton

Diana Marsh led a project to digitize the field notebooks of S. Ann Dunham, economic anthropologist and mother of Barack Obama---and to …

hands typing on a laptop with graphics overlaid on top o f search, graph, and chart icons

PhD Student Spotlight: Pramod Chundury

July 16, 2020 | iSchool News

Meet PhD Student, Pramod Chundury!

three children looking at one child with vr goggles on

Faculty Spotlight: Tamara (Tammy) Clegg, Associate Professor

July 16, 2020 | iSchool News

Meet Associate Professor, Tamara Clegg!

library aisles

Faculty Spotlight: Bridgette Comanda, Adjunct Lecturer and School Library Program Experiential Learning Coordinator

July 16, 2020 | iSchool News

Meet Adjunct Lecturer and School Library Program Experiential Learning Coordinator, Bridgette Comanda!

Photo of UMD's Hornbake Library with a Statue of Frederick Douglass in Front

MLIS Student Tannaz Motevalli Named 2020-21 ALA Spectrum Scholar

July 16, 2020 | Mia K. Hinckle

ALA Spectrum Scholarships are awarded annually to a select group of exceptional students who promote equity, diversity, and inclusion i …

photo of building against a blue sky

Staff Spotlight: Tetyana Bezbabna, Assistant Director of Information Science Undergraduate Program at Shady Grove

July 15, 2020 | iSchool News

Meet Assistant Director of the Information Science Undergraduate Program at Shady Grove, Tetyana Bezbabna!

photo of Donna Mignardi at a park

Alumni Spotlight: iSchool Alumna Awarded Maryland School Librarian of the Year 2020 – Donna Mignardi MLS ’99

July 14, 2020 | iSchool News

The UMD iSchool helped to instill in Donna that all information is valuable and one must continue to grow and learn.

library aisles

Remembering Christine Glaab – Law Librarian, Community Volunteer, Ardent Reader, and UMD iSchool Alumna

July 14, 2020 | CISSP (Certified Information System Security Professional)

The Christine Glaab Law Librarian Fellowship honors the memory and legacy of Christine Glaab, MLS 1975, by providing support to MLIS s …