Research Projects

Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services

Crowdsourced Data: Accuracy, Accessibility, Authority (CDAAA)
Principal Investigator(s): Victoria Van Hyning
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Accessibility and Inclusive Design > Digital Humanities > Information Justice, Human Rights, and Technology Ethics > Library and Information Science > Social Networks, Online Communities, and Social Media
CDAAA explores the sociotechnical barriers libraries, archives, and museums face in integrating crowdsourced transcriptions to discovery systems. Using data from surveys, semi-structured interviews, data integration demonstrations, and user testing with people who use screen readers, we will produce individualized LAM Partner Reports, a summative white paper, and open-access journal articles.
Launching the TALENT Network to Promote the Training of Archival & Library Educators w. iNnovative Technologies
Principal Investigator(s): Richard Marciano
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Archival Science > Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization > Library and Information Science
The TALENT Network (Training of Archival & Library Educators with iNnovative Technologies) brings together experts from across the United States (including archivists, librarians, Library and Information Science educators, historians, learning scientists, cognitive scientists, computer scientists, and software engineers) in order to create a durable, diverse, and multidisciplinary national community focused on developing digital expertise and leadership skills among archival and library educators.
Inverting Colonial Archival Structures: Increasing Discovery and Access for Indigenous Communities through SNAC
Principal Investigator(s): Diana E. Marsh
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Accessibility and Inclusive Design > Archival Science > Digital Humanities > Library and Information Science > Social Networks, Online Communities, and Social Media
Inverting Colonial Archival Structures: Increasing Discovery and Access for Indigenous Communities through SNAC (Indigenize SNAC) aims to test discovery and access of archival records for indigenous communities through the web platform Social Networks for Archival Contexts (SNAC). The project is funded by the IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian program.
Libraries, Integration, and New Americans: Understanding immigrant acculturative stress
Principal Investigator(s): Ana Ndumu
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Information Justice, Human Rights, and Technology Ethics > Library and Information Science
Libraries, Integration, and New Americans,” or L.I.N.A., is a three-year research project directed by Dr. Ana Ndumu that will answer the following questions: What is the role of information in immigrant acculturative stress? How does information-related acculturative
stress impact library access? How can libraries help adult immigrants who are overwhelmed by information? Funding from IMLS under the Laura Bush 21st Century Early Career.
Connecting Rural and Small Libraries to Connected Learning
Principal Investigator(s): Mega Subramaniam
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Library and Information Science > Youth Experience, Learning, and Digital Practices
With funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the ConnectedLib Toolkit helps librarians incorporate digital media into their work with youth to promote connections across learning contexts. We are currently working with the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) to expand the toolkit to better meet the needs of library staff working in rural areas and small libraries.
Piloting an Online National Collaborative Network for Integrating Computational Thinking into Library and Archival Education and Practice
Principal Investigator(s): Richard Marciano
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Archival Science > Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization > Information Justice, Human Rights, and Technology Ethics > Library and Information Science > Machine Learning, AI, Computational Linguistics, and Information Retrieval
Piloting an online national collaborative network of educators and practitioners to enable the sharing and dissemination of computational case studies and lesson plans through an open source, cloud-based interactive platform based on Jupyter Notebooks.
Sustaining Digital Community Collections: Understanding the Impact of Development Workflows Across Contexts
Principal Investigator(s):
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Library and Information Science
Investigating roles that cultural heritage institutions may play to help realize community-determined, community-led strategies for sustaining digital collections over time.
Library Knowledge Extensions (KNEXT): Data Analytics to Support Innovation Communities
Principal Investigator(s): Susan Winter Andrew Fellows
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization > Library and Information Science
KNEXT is a three-year collaborative project between Kent State University (KSU-SLIS) and the University of Maryland (UMD-CIS), which partners with local public libraries, small business development centers, economic development organizations, and community advocacy groups to bring advanced data analytics and business intelligence (DA&BI) services to public libraries in order to support small businesses, entrepreneurs, and community advocates within two recovering communities in Ohio and Maryland.
Enhancing Digital Privacy and Security Skills for Low-Socioeconomic Families: Resources for Librarians and Patrons
Principal Investigator(s): Jessica Vitak Mega Subramaniam
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Accessibility and Inclusive Design > Data Privacy and Sociotechnical Cybersecurity > Library and Information Science
Bringing together researchers, low socioeconomic status (SES) families, and public library partners to identify the privacy and security challenges librarians and low-SES families face using internet and communication technologies and to develop a suite of educational and professional development resources for both librarians and low-SES families
Counted In: National Forum on Libraries, Census 2020, and New Americans
Principal Investigator(s): Paul T. Jaeger Ana Ndumu
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Accessibility and Inclusive Design > Library and Information Science
The University of Maryland iSchool is seeking $101,593 to host the Counted In: National Forum on Libraries, Census 2020, and New Americans, a one-day pre-conference event on promoting census participation among immigrants.
Capturing Computational Thinking Literacy Development in Public Libraries
Principal Investigator(s): Mega Subramaniam
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Library and Information Science > Machine Learning, AI, Computational Linguistics, and Information Retrieval
Identifying the learning outcomes that can be achieved through CT programs for youth offered through libraries and to develop a bank of assessment tools that can be used by public library staff to document and measure CT literacy development in youth as a result of participating in library CT programs.
Developing a Computational Framework for Library and Archival Education
Principal Investigator(s): Richard Marciano
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Archival Science > Library and Information Science > Youth Experience, Learning, and Digital Practices
UMD held a workshop to create the building blocks of a Master's level educational curriculum to educate the next generation of librarians and archivists in the computational treatments of collections.
Improving Fedora 4 to Work with Web-Scale Storage and Services
Principal Investigator(s): Richard Marciano
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Archival Science
The Digital Curation Innovation Center plans to improve the performance and scalability of the Fedora Repository for the Fedora community by researching, developing, and testing software architectures.
Data Analytics to Support Innovation Communities
Principal Investigator(s): Susan Winter
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Research Areas: Data Science, Analytics, and Visualization > Future of Work > Smart Cities and Connected Communities
Dr. Susan Winter and Andrew Fellows will lead the effort to bring advanced data analytics and business intelligence services to public libraries in Prince George’s County.