Rachael Bradley-Montgomery Adjunct Lecturer (Digital Accessibility Architect at Library of Congress)
Diana Bridgett Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Tom Brinck Adjunct Lecturer (Board Member at the Palo Alto Art Center Foundation)
Gavin Britto Adjunct Lecturer (Sr. Business Analyst at Skience)
Sara B. Brookins Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Corie Brown Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Ia Kholan Gregory Bull PhD Student
Patricia Buckley Bunnell Adjunct Lecturer (CEO at Terrapin Government Solutions, LLC)
Cody Buntain Assistant Professor; Affiliate Fellow, UMD Honors College – Artificial Intelligence Cluster
Tara Burke PhD Student
Susan G. Campbell Senior Lecturer
Alison (Alie) Cardenas Faculty Affairs Manager
Lindsay Inge Carpenter Affiliate Lecturer
Anthonia Carter Postdoctoral Researcher
Sidney Champagne Adjunct Lecturer (Freelance Illustrator)
Joel Chan Assistant Professor; Assistant Director, PhD Information Studies; Associate Director, HCIL
Victoria Chang PhD Student
Celia Chen PhD Student