
rlr test 06/12

Alumni Spotlight: Alumna Praises iSchool as the Heart of Nation’s Archival World – Ann Abney, MLS ‘16

Ann currently works as the Special Projects Archivist for the South Carolina Political Collections (SCPC) at the University of South Ca …

man with face mask on and gloves holding a discolored newspaper

Alumni Spotlight: UMD iSchool Alum and Archivist Helps to Write the “Final Drafts of History” – Tyler Stump, HiLS 2015

Tyler was especially drawn to the HiLS program after learning about the professional experiences offered in tandem with his academics a …

headshot of Joyce Garczynski

Alumni Spotlight: iSchool Lays the Foundation for Alumna’s Career in Academic Librarianship – Joyce Garczynski MLS ‘09

The foundation for Joyce Garczynski’s, MLS ’09, career in librarianship was built from her experience in the Master of Library Scie …

photo of Glennor Shirley smiling

Alumni Spotlight: Making a Difference as a Prison Librarian – Glennor Shirley, MLS ‘93

In her home country of Jamaica, Glennor Shirley, MLS ’93, first discovered her adoration for librarianship while working as a bookmob …

photo of Donna Mignardi at a park

Alumni Spotlight: iSchool Alumna Awarded Maryland School Librarian of the Year 2020 – Donna Mignardi MLS ’99

The UMD iSchool helped to instill in Donna that all information is valuable and one must continue to grow and learn.

headshot of Jocelyn McNamara

Alumni Spotlight: Becoming a Leader in Library and Information Science – Jocelyn McNamara MLS 2016

After many years working as a chef and artist, Jocelyn McNamara, MLS ‘16, was inspired by her love of literature, and a drive to work …

headshot of Christine Glaab

Alumni Spotlight: Law Librarian, Community Volunteer, and Ardent Reader – Christine Glaab, MLS, 75′

Christine Glaab received her Master of Library Science (MLS) in 1975 from the College of Library and Information Science (CLIS), which …

Alumni Spotlight: Keys to Succeeding in the Forensic Investigation Field – Pranali Shetty, MIM ‘15

Forensic investigation is a challenging field where information plays a key role, from cyber threat investigations to extracting eviden …

headshot of Jean Donham

Alumni Spotlight: Re-Envisioning the Role of Libraries in Teaching and Learning – Jean Donham, MLS ‘72

At the start of her professional career, Dr. Jean Donham taught at a middle school in the small town of Ames, Iowa.