Filtered by: Faculty & Staff

NBC News: Declining Cookies Won’t Stop Data Tracking (feat. Ido Sivan-Sevilla)
October 7, 2022 | Emily DavidsonThird party data tracking is on its way out with retailers adopting more sophisticated methods.

UMD INFO College Introduces Technology and Information Design Major
October 1, 2022 | Ava Thompson | The DiamondbackThe new major focuses on building and designing prototypes for new technologies such as apps and computers.

NPR News: Crypto and Retirement Form a Controversial Combination (feat. M. R. Sauter)
September 22, 2022 | Emily DavidsonTensions rise between government regulators and pension fund managers over the prudence of crypto investments.

NBC NEWS: A Viral Social Media Post Raises Concerns for Data Security (feat. Jen Golbeck)
September 22, 2022 | Emily DavidsonDr. Golbeck advises people to be skeptical of the data their devices request.

Lifewire: Are Free Apps Worth the Risks to Your Data? (feat. Jessica Vitak)
September 22, 2022 | Emily DavidsonGoogle Play Store reveals how users’ data is shared, but many may choose to value tech over privacy.

The Conversation: How the Taliban’s New Regime Compares to the Last (feat. Cody Buntain)
September 22, 2022 | Emily DavidsonResearch by Dr. Buntain reveals changes in the Taliban’s oppressive tactics against women.

MD Today: How AI Could Help Writers Spot Stereotypes (feat. Niklas Elmqvist)
September 19, 2022 | Melissa Brachfeld | MD TodayTool to Identify Social Biases in Creative Writing Ultimately Leaves Artists in Control