Organization Teams & Technology Society (OTTRS) Interest Group

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The Organizational Teams and Technology Research Society (OTTRS) aims to advance research and collaboration on the study of teams as relevant to technology and information. Topics include, but are not limited to, teams and artificial intelligence, technology to support different types of teams, collaborative learning, ethics in teams and technology, leveraging technology to improve the study of teams, and more. While we have a human focus, we are inspired by computational potential and technological advances. We explicitly welcome multiple and interdisciplinary approaches.


Recent News

OTTRS Speaker Series

(Video) OTTRS Speaker Series: “Interactive Team Cognition for Humans and Machines”

June 5, 2024 | Maia Johnston
Featuring Human Systems Engineer Dr. Nancy J. Cooke of Arizona State University
OTTRS Speaker Series

(Video) OTTRS Speaker Series: Gamification for Team Science and Human-AI Teaming

April 9, 2024 | Logan Delavan-Hoover
AI researcher speaks on teamwork with autonomous systems
OTTRS Speaker Series

(Video) OTTRS Speaker Series: The X-Culture Global Research Platform

March 8, 2024 | Logan Delavan-Hoover
International business professor shares insights about a crowdsourcing platform for business challenges, talent recruitment, and cultur …