Ursula Gorham - College of Information (INFO)


Ursula Gorham

Ursula Gorham

Senior Lecturer
 4121D Hornbake Building, South Wing

Ursula Gorham is a Senior Lecturer in the iSchool and currently serves as the Director of the Master of Library and Information Science program. She is admitted to practice law in Maryland and previously served as a law clerk in Maryland appellate and federal bankruptcy courts. Dr. Gorham’s research and teaching reflect her passion for information literacy, particularly within the realm of legal and government information. Dr. Gorham’s research has been published in Government Information Quarterly, Public Library Quarterly, Journal of Open Access to Law, Information Polity, Law Library Journal, and First Monday, among others. She published her first solo-authored book, Access to information, technology, and justice: A critical intersection in 2017. She has also co-authored three books: Understanding Human Information Behavior: When, How, and Why People Interact with Information (in press); Libraries, human rights, and social justice: Enabling access and promoting inclusion (2015) and Public libraries, public policies, and political processes: Serving and transforming communities in times of economic and political constraint (2014).

Dr. Gorham’s CV