
Digital Privacy News: Ease of Voice Recognition Technology Brings Great Risks, featuring Jessica Vitak
June 12, 2020 | Jessica VitakTechnology creates additional convenience for users, it poses a threat to their privacy.

Student Archivists at Maryland – Call for New Student Members!
June 12, 2020 | Karina Kletscher, UMD iSchool MLIS StudentThis is a momentous year for SAM as we are turning 25!

November GradTerp Exchange speakers: Donny Pearson (Physics), Nicole Barbour (Biology), Karrin Thompson (Library and Information Science)(left to right)
Stepping Outside of the Comfort Zone: An MLIS Student’s Experience Presenting at GradTerp Exchange
June 12, 2020 | Karrin Thompson, UMD iSchool MLIS StudentGradTerp Exchange is a monthly speaker series in which The Graduate School invites 3-4 graduate students and postdocs to share their re …

Would you make a good Information Detective? Explaining the career of an Open Source Intelligence Professional, featuring Mary Ann Francis
June 12, 2020 | Mary Ann FrancisHave you ever wondered about privacy and the data that operating systems, search engines, and social networks collect about you?

New Co-Principal Investigator Added to SFS Grant: Charles Harry
June 11, 2020 | ACESThe CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service (SFS) grant is funded through the National Science Foundation to provide educational and profes …

Building Community Through Coursework
June 11, 2020 | Eric Hing-Tao Hung Mea Lee, K. Sarah OstrachCommunity engagement has become an increasingly important component of libraries and archives professions.

Individual with sight impairment using Morphic technology to bring up personal screen reader settings on a computer. (Image provided by the Trace Research & Development Center)
Press Release: Revelo Teams Up with University of Maryland for Digital Accessibility Pilot
June 10, 2020 | iSchool NewsRevelo Software, LLC has partnered with Dr. Jonathan Lazar to adapt iAccessible for use in his study.

MLIS Students Get Hands-on Experience Digitizing Documents
June 4, 2020 | Morgan AdleMLIS students specializing in Archives and Digital Curation seek hands-on experience digitizing historic material.