NEWS - UMD's College of Information (INFO)


phone on table with a graphic of two phones next to each other with words below that read "contact detection is switched on"

More Than Just Privacy: Using Contextual Integrity to Evaluate the Long-Term Risks from COVID-19 Surveillance Technologies

August 6, 2020 | Jessica Vitak

Jessica Vitak examines whether users' data is protected on contact tracing apps.

Photo of an open book

Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress, Serial Set vol. 1442. Photo by Geraldine Dávila González.

Meet MLIS student, Bailey DeSimone

August 5, 2020 | iSchool News

Bailey's research will focus on the intersection of diversity and legal informatics. 

photo of a two tiered house

The Washington Post: One Home, a Lifetime of Impact, featuring Andrew Fellows

August 3, 2020 | Michele Lerner

Andrew Fellows discusses how redlining of commercial loans has contributed to the gap in home values between Montgomery County and Prin …

photo of an hourglass in a bed of rocks

What Time Is It?

August 3, 2020 | Caro Williams-Pierce

As we (still) shelter in place, who cares?!

hands reaching out with prototypes on a whiteboard

Gregg Vanderheiden delivers Keynote at International Human Computer Interface Conference

August 3, 2020 | iSchool News

Gregg Vanderheiden proposes an alternate approach to accessibility and extended usability for next-next generation UI/UX.

BBI Awards Seed Grants to Six Interdisciplinary Projects, featuring Katie Shilton

BBI Awards Seed Grants to Six Interdisciplinary Projects, featuring Katie Shilton

August 3, 2020 | iSchool News

Katie Shilton was awarded a 2020 BBI Seed Grant for her project, "Competing Values in Hearing Healthcare Service Delivery."

photo of man and woman sitting on a bench with a golden retriever standing by the woman with a caption over the photo that reads "they already have these hundreds of thousands of bots out there"

Netflix Series "Connected," featuring Jen Golbeck

August 3, 2020 | iSchool News

Jen Golbeck discusses a groundbreaking discovery in an episode of Netflix's new series, Connected.

photo of eight people standing next to each other smiling at the camera

Dr. Jonathan Lazar (far right) and class visiting Dr. Raja Kushalnagar (far left) at Gallaudet University

Leveraging Partnerships to Enhance Accessibility, Diversity, and Inclusion in Curriculum

July 23, 2020 | Hayleigh Moore

Working with industry, community, and LIS partners to create hands-on learning opportunities for students and revolutionize curriculum …

photo of 4 split screens and people smiling at the camera

Confidence in Institutions in a Time of Mistrust

July 23, 2020 | iSchool News

UMD iSchool faculty discuss having confidence in government and institutions despite growing mistrust caused by the Covid-19 pandemic …