Congratulations to the Fall 2022 INFO College Scholarship Recipients - College of Information (INFO)

Congratulations to the Fall 2022 INFO College Scholarship Recipients

Mia K. Hinckle - December 6, 2022

17 students from across programs have been recognized for excellence in their work and studies.

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The University of Maryland College of Information Studies (INFO College) is pleased to announce the Fall 2022 INFO College Scholarship recipients. Congratulations to the 17 awardees from across programs who have demonstrated excellence in their work and studies.

B. Parker Hamilton Libraries of the Future Scholarship
Winner: Samantha Miltz

Barbara Van Dongen School Library Media Fellowship
Winner: Taaja Blackburn

College of Information Studies Alumni Chapter Scholarship
Winners: Caroline Berger, Ting-Hsuan Wang

Dr. Joan Giesecke Health Informatics Fellowship
Winner: Rachel Wood

Frank G. Burke Scholarship
Winner: Allison Buser

Gloria Davidson Endowed Fellowship
Winner: Taaja Blackburn

Helen A. Tegnell Scholarship
Winners: Sara Riley, Samantha Miltz, Zoe Singleton

Library Systems & Services (LSSI) Scholarship
Winner: Richard Lugo

MIM Alumni Scholarship
Winner: Dhiraj Manoj Lahoti

Myra Wilson Scholarship
Winner: Benjamin Henry

Nancy & Daniel Balz MLIS Scholarship for Returning Students
Winner: Sara Riley

Noyes Library Association Scholarship
Winner: Maxwell Wiggins

Turner Family Optimal Solutions Endowed Scholarship
Winner: Wendy Mulobole

Undergraduate iSchool Excellence Fund Award
Winner: Carlos Osorio