
Filtered by: Research News
graphic of gears with elements inside of them like an @ symbol, magnifying glass, paper clip, and anchor

iSchool’s New Interest Group Explores Advancements in Search Mastery and Education

April 5, 2021 | Hayleigh Moore

Providing an accessible environment for those interested in search mastery, search education, and search behavior. 

photo of 4 people smiling

New Partnership Aims to Help UMD Further Diversify D.C. Region’s Tech Ecosystem

March 2, 2021 | Press Release

To increase female-identifying and non-binary students graduating with a tech degree at UMD by 12.5% in the next 5 years.

Photo augmented by computer graphics to show a man walking down a city street on his phone, which is emitting data into the air

George Mason & University of Maryland to Leverage 311 Data for Increased DMV Resilience During a Pandemic

February 26, 2021 | Press Release

Funded by the NSF, the team aims to provide tools to governments to better respond to regional disasters and crises.

UMAICS: Harnessing Data Science to Improve the Social Good, featuring Wei Ai

February 9, 2021 | iSchool News

Using machine learning techniques to influence positive behavior.

commuters waiting in line for bus

Science Magazine: U.S. Law Sets Stage for Boost to Artificial Intelligence Research, featuring Vanessa Frias-Martinez

January 22, 2021 | iSchool News

Working to improve public transit, Dr. Vanessa Frias-Martinez is using a combination of cloud computing and AI.

COVID Symptom Map with varying countries

University of Maryland, Carnegie Mellon, and Facebook Team Up to Forecast Coronavirus Spread

November 19, 2020 | Press Release

Data shared by 30M+ Facebook users world-wide will enable earlier detection of COVID-19 outbreaks, help communities to prepare, inform …

UMD iSchool @ the ACM’s 2020 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW)

November 16, 2020 | Jessica Vitak

UMD iSchool's Dr. Jessica Vitak discusses the college's robust participation in the ACM's prestigious CSCW 2020 Conference.

headshot of Naeemul Hassan

Cogitatio Press: Strengthening Children’s Privacy Literacy through Contextual Integrity

November 13, 2020 | iSchool News

A team of UMD iSchool researchers aim to strengthen children's privacy literacy.