Twanna Hodge - College of Information (INFO)


Twanna Hodge

Twanna Hodge

PhD Student

Twanna Hodge is a Ph.D. student in the College of Information Studies. She holds a BA in Humanities from the University of the Virgin Islands and a Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University of Washington. Her research includes the mental health and mental health information-seeking needs of BIPOC Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museum (GLAM) employees and LIS students; health information-seeking behavior of Afro-Caribbean immigrants; cultural humility in LIS education and librarianship; Afro-Caribbean immigrants’ ethnic identity formation and experiences in GLAM; Afro-Caribbean students’ and professionals’ experiences in LIS; and the retention of Black students in LIS programs. She is a 2013 American Library Association (ALA) Spectrum Scholar and a 2022 ALA Spectrum Doctoral Fellow.