Medium: Devices All The Way Down - College of Information (INFO)

Medium: Devices All The Way Down

Niklas Elmqvist - June 22, 2020

Professor and Director of the HCIL, Niklas Elmqvist, reflects on his NSF Career Project.

stacked phones, laptops, and tablets

In the Medium article, “Devices All The Way Down” written by Niklas Elmqvist, Professor and Director of the University of Maryland (UMD) Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL), he reflects on his NSF Career Project.

Elmqvist’s project titled, “Ubilytics: Harnessing Existing Device Ecosystems for Anywhere Sensemaking” explored 3 themes: universal interaction, flexible visual structures, and efficient distributed architectures.

The project, “posed the fundamental question of how we can use the existing ecosystem of networked devices in our surroundings to understand and exploit massive, heterogeneous, and multi-scale data anywhere and at any time.”

Read the full article here.