Pamela Duffy - College of Information (INFO)


Pamela Duffy

Pamela Duffy

Lecturer; Director, BS in Information Science at College Park
 Patuxent 2116

Pam Duffy joined the UMD iSchool in August 2018 as a lecturer in databases. Ms. Duffy began her career as a field support Systems Analyst for UNISYS in Baton Rouge, LA, and spent several years supporting operating systems and programming languages on UNISYS mainframe computers in Baton Rouge, LA, and Atlanta, GA. As technology advanced, she transitioned as well, moving from mainframes to smaller systems and from operating systems to relational databases and client application development and support,  working with private companies and federal agencies including Washington Gas, BET, the EPA, and the Executive Office of the President. Since joining UMD, she has taught iSchool undergraduates database design and modeling, programming, and the integrated capstone. Ms. Duffy developed and teaches an introduction to relational databases for non-iSchool students. She continues teaching undergraduates and taking classes for an HCIM degree.


Relational Databases
Data Ethics