College of Information (INFO) - College of Information (INFO)

Improving Fedora 4 to Work with Web-Scale Storage and Services

The Digital Curation Innovation Center (DCIC) at the University of Maryland’s College of Information Studies (Maryland’s iSchool) intends to conduct a 2-year project to research, develop, and test software architectures to improve the performance and scalability of the Fedora Repository for the Fedora community. More specifically this project will apply the new Fedora 5 application programming interface (API) to the repository software stack called DRAS-TIC to create a new Fedora implementation we are calling DRAS-TIC Fedora. DRAS-TIC, which stands for Digital Repository at Scale that Invites Computation, was developed over the last two years through a collaboration between UK-based storage company, Archive Analytics, and the DCIC, through funding from an NSF DIBBs (Data Infrastructure Building Blocks) grant (NCSA “Brown Dog”). We will work with Fedora community partners that will help us develop use cases and performance expectations. The proposal has received the endorsement of the Fedora Leadership Group. The project will produce open source software, tested cluster configurations, documentation, and best-practice guides that will enable institutions to manage Fedora repositories with Petabyte-scale collections and thus, contribute to big-data ready national software infrastructure.

October 2017 - September 30, 2020

Principal Investigator(s):

Additional UMD Investigator(s):

Research Funder:

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