NEWS - UMD's College of Information (INFO)


Photo ALA president Lessa Kanani’opua Pelayo-Lozada

ALA president Lessa Kanani’opua Pelayo-Lozada

(Video) ALA President Offers Advice for Future Librarians on Handling Banned Books

May 4, 2023 | UMD INFO Staff

During the talk, attendees received advice tailored to both students planning to become library and information science practitioners a …

Banner image with the TRAILS logo and a photo of Katie Shilton.

Photo of Dr. Katie Shilton

UMD Leads New $20M NSF Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law and Society

May 4, 2023 | UMD Staff

The institute will take a holistic approach, integrating broader participation in AI design, new technology development, and more infor …

A photo of a person building and looking closely at a small robot.

(Photo by Craig Taylor)

Game Changers: How UMD HCIL Researchers Continue to Shape the Future of Human-Computer Interaction

May 2, 2023 | Laurie Robinson

The country’s oldest HCI lab, co-led by the UMD INFO College, celebrates 40 years of advancing the field.

Photo of the European Central Bank

European Central Bank Utilizes UMD-Faculty-Founded Cyber Events Database

April 28, 2023 | UMD Staff

Dr. Charles Harry co-developed this database to inform public and private sector decision-makers about cyber threats.

Discord logo icon

CNN: Pentagon Investigates Alleged Leak of Classified Information (ft. Jen Golbeck)

April 22, 2023 | INFO Staff

INFO Professor Jen Golbeck discusses the alleged security breach on the gaming app Discord.

Photo of a person using a computer and tablet.

(Video) SoDa Symposium: A Dialogue at the Intersection of Human-Computer Interaction and Social Data Science Methods

April 21, 2023 | UMD INFO Staff

INFO Professor Jen Golbeck and JPSM instructor Jen Romano spoke on a panel moderated by INFO Professor Wayne Lutters.

Disloyal boyfriend photo by Alamy; city photo by iStock

Disloyal boyfriend photo by Alamy; city photo by iStock

Maryland Today: What’s in a (Climate Change) Meme? ft. PhD Student Jeff Henrikson

April 19, 2023 | Karen Shih ’09 | UMD

Doctoral Student Delves Into Dark Humor About Global Challenge

A photo of library bookshelves with a hand pulling a book off of a shelf.

Embracing Experiential Learning: Providing Valuable Real-World Exposure to Aspiring K-12 Librarians

April 13, 2023 | Laurie Robinson

The UMD INFO library field study program fosters growth and learning for MLIS students interested in school library careers.