
Filtered by: Human-Computer Interaction
bowl of pennies with a plant growing out of it

Medium: HCIL 2019-2020 News Roundup

June 22, 2020 | Huaishu Peng

UMD Human-Computer Interaction Lab’s (HCIL) 2019-2020 accomplishments

Person taking a photo on a smart phone of the nature in front of them

Medium: Engaging the Commons in Participatory Sensing

June 22, 2020 | Yongle Zhang

Research on participatory sensing, the practice of using human participants to gather data on their mobile devices from their environm …

person taking a photo of another person using a smartphone

Getting Personal: How People Who are Blind Can Leverage AI to Access the Visual World

May 29, 2020 | Hayleigh Moore

The Teachable Object Recognizer mobile application uses AI and machine learning to help access the visual world.

illustration of a person holding a phone and another using a white cane

Medium: What If Blind People Wear a Camera That Can Detect You in Public Spaces? (by Kyungjun Lee)

May 29, 2020 | Mia K. Hinckle

A research team from the UMD HCIL lab examine the social acceptance of wearable cameras.

person looking down at their phone

Student-Athletes’ Use of Their Performance Data; Evaluating Tech to Regulate Anxiety – UMD iSchool Papers Awarded at CHI 2020

May 21, 2020 | iSchool News

The ACM annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) is considered the most prestigious in the field of human–comput …

Automatically Arranging Charts with Vistribute

Automatically Arranging Charts with Vistribute

April 26, 2019 | iSchoolNews

Supporting analysts in placing visualizations across multiple devices.