Fiona Jardine Wins Poster of Distinction for her Groundbreaking Research in Breastfeeding Without Nursing - College of Information (INFO)

Fiona Jardine Wins Poster of Distinction for her Groundbreaking Research in Breastfeeding Without Nursing

iSchoolNews - September 17, 2018

Fiona Jardine Wins Poster of Distinction for her Groundbreaking Research in Breastfeeding Without Nursing

pink poster with the words "sometimes breastfeeding looks like this" with a graphic of a baby drinking mil from a bottle while the mother pumpsThe University of Maryland College of Information Studies (iSchool) is excited to announce that PhD candidate Fiona Jardine has won the Goldhaber Travel Grant as well as Poster of Distinction for the 19th International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation Conference in Japan. The poster entitled, “Breastfeeding Without Nursing: Reasons for Initiation and Cessation of Exclusively Pumping Human Milk” studies the reasons for breastfeeding without nursing, including milk expression or pumping (EP), and the durations achieved by these methods.

Driven by her own personal experiences following the birth of her daughter, Fiona is pioneering research in the area of breastfeeding exclusively by pumping. Little research exists detailing the experiences of EPers, including why they choose to EP, what problems they may have, and where they find information on EPing. Consequently, individuals who turn to research for information, support, or a community are let down. Through her research, Fiona is working to close this gap by exposing alternative methods to breastfeeding and showing new parents that it’s okay to use EP to nourish their children.

Read more about her poster here

Learn more about Fiona here