NBC’s 11th Hour: Surgeon General Warns About Teens on Social Media (ft. Jen Golbeck)
June 2, 2023 | UMD INFO StaffProfessor Jen Golbeck joins a panel of guests on the 11th Hour to address social media’s influence on young people's mental health.
Dr. Charles Harry
INFO College’s Charles Harry Granted Patent for Innovative Cybersecurity Risk Modeling Platform
May 23, 2023 | UMD SPP StaffThe TAPESTRY model allows one to explore risk in specific subsections of an organization or at the macro level.
Images via Bored Panda, Twitter
Maryland Today: When a Cat Video Elicits More Than Warm Fuzzies (ft. Susannah Paletz)
May 10, 2023 | Maggie Haslam | UMDResearchers Look at Human Responses to ‘Cuteness’ in Social Media
Photo of Dr. Katie Shilton
UMD Leads New $20M NSF Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law and Society
May 4, 2023 | UMD StaffThe institute will take a holistic approach, integrating broader participation in AI design, new technology development, and more infor …
Cracking the Privacy Code: Navigating the Condor Dataset while Safeguarding User Identities
April 28, 2023 | Laurie RobinsonA Q&A with INFO Assistant Professor Cody Buntain
European Central Bank Utilizes UMD-Faculty-Founded Cyber Events Database
April 28, 2023 | UMD StaffDr. Charles Harry co-developed this database to inform public and private sector decision-makers about cyber threats.
CNN: Pentagon Investigates Alleged Leak of Classified Information (ft. Jen Golbeck)
April 22, 2023 | INFO StaffINFO Professor Jen Golbeck discusses the alleged security breach on the gaming app Discord.