
Search Mastery Speaker Series: Designing for Youth: Invisible Work in Families

Event Start Date: Monday, May 10, 2021 - 12:00 pm

Event End Date: Monday, May 10, 2021 - 1:00 pm

Location: Virtual

Speaker: Jason Yip, University of Washington

Jason Yip

Approximately 8 million U.S. children have at least one immigrant parent. Lower-socioeconomic (SES) immigrant parents often rely on their children’s language skills to problem-solve family needs—a practice known as brokering. Yet it is unknown how children use their language and digital literacy skills to search and broker information online. This talk examines how children with lower-SES immigrant parents search and broker information online. In study 1, we focused on Latino families as they are the fastest growing U.S. minority group. We conducted in-home interviews and observations of search tasks with 23 parent-child dyads. In study 2, I will provide new updates on co-design work we have been partnering with an East African community group and their youth.

We demonstrate: (1) how Online Search and Brokering (OSB) is impacted by familial values and resources at an individual, family, community, and digital infrastructure level, and (2) through search vignettes, how parent child dyads problem-solve family needs through OSB. Our work demonstrates a different purpose of technology use in families: intergenerational, bilingual, and online co-searching to problem-solve family needs.

The Search Mastery Special Interest Group at the iSchool is pleased to invite you to a Webinar series focused on Search Mastery and Information Literacy. Over the Spring semester of 2021 we will host a number of speakers to share their insights on the challenges and opportunities for advances in this critical area.

The talks are virtual. The speaker series will highlight current thoughts about search skills and search education including concepts, theories, and helpful models. We hope to understand the basic questions, fundamental puzzles, and empirical unknowns that if answered could transform how we approach search mastery.

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