UMD INFO Events - College of Information (INFO)


MLA Conversations: Teresa Miller & Chris Herrmann on PGCMLS’s LGBTQ+ Team

Event Start Date: Monday, February 28, 2022 - 3:00 pm

Event End Date: Monday, February 28, 2022 - 4:00 pm

Location: Virtual

You can now register for the next of Maryland Library Association’s MLA Conversations, this Friday, December 4 from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern.

We will learn about the LGBTQ+ Team at Prince George’s County Memorial Library System, how they created systemwide unity and vision for 2020’s Pride Month activities, and their plans for sustaining this important work going forward, with:

  • Teresa Miller, Librarian I, Greenbelt Branch Library, Prince George’s County Memorial Library System
  • Chris Herrmann, Library Associate I, Bowie Branch Library, Prince George’s County Memorial Library System

Register for free at You will be sent the login information from Registration will close 15 minutes prior to the start of the event. We will be using Zoom. Thanks for being a part of the conversation!

Did you miss our last conversation on Friday, November 20, with Dr. Ana Ndumu & Dr. Ida Jones on HBCUs and LIS: Rich History, Rich Potential? Watch the recording at

Find archived recordings of past MLA Conversations at Make sure that you’re subscribed to the Marylib email listserv to receive information each week on upcoming MLA Conversations!

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