UMD INFO Events - College of Information (INFO)


MLA Conversations

Event Start Date: Friday, November 13, 2020 - 3:00 pm

Event End Date: Friday, November 13, 2020 - 4:00 pm

Location: Virtual

MLA Conversations with Robin Soma-Dudley & Teonja Jung of MLA’s Support Staff Division (SSD)

You can now register for the next of Maryland Library Association’s MLA Conversations, this Friday, November 13 from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern.

We will learn about Maryland Library Association’s Support Staff Division (SSD) and talk about the work of support staff and paraprofessionals in today’s library environment, with:

  • Robin Soma-Dudley, Library Associate, Busch Annapolis Library, Anne Arundel County Public Library; President, Support Staff Division, Maryland Library Association
  • Teonja Jung, Circulation Services Manager, Rosedale Branch, Baltimore County Public Library; Vice President/President-Elect, Support Staff Division, Maryland Library Association

Register for free at You will be sent the login information from Registration will close 15 minutes prior to the start of the event. We will be using Zoom. Thanks for being a part of the conversation!

You can now also register for MLA Conversations the following week on Friday, November 20, 3:00-4:00 pm Eastern for HBCUs and LIS: Rich history, rich potential. Join us for a timely conversation on the connection between HBCUs, anti-racism, and Black librarianship. Attendees will hear how HBCUs contribute to the library profession and learn about an IMLS-funded project at Morgan State University. Our guests will be Dr. Ana Ndumu, Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, College Park iSchool and Dr. Ida Jones, University Archivist, Morgan State University Richardson Library. Register for free at

Did you miss our conversation last Friday, November 6, between David M. Lusk and Megan Sutherland about the library advocacy landscape following the election? Watch the recording at

Find archived recordings of past MLA Conversations at Make sure that you’re subscribed to the Marylib email listserv to receive information each week on upcoming MLA Conversations!

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