Forms for Graduate Students - College of Information (INFO)

Forms for Graduate Students

The UMD INFO College provides flexible academic programs that may be changed or altered to accommodate students’ needs by using the following file documentation. Click on the headings below for available request forms and waivers. Please email all completed paperwork to your advisor.

Declaring/Changing Focus Area

All MIM students are required to choose a focus area by the end of their first semester in the program. MLIS students only need to declare a focus area if they are pursuing the School Library focus area. Although focus areas do not appear on your diploma or transcript, students are encouraged to include focus areas on a resume/CV to emphasize their area(s) of expertise.


Waiving or Postponing Courses

Waiving Core Courses

If you have professional or academic experience that provides a comparable and systemic coverage of the skills, knowledge, and issues covered in a required course, you may be able to waive the course. Complete the waiver form for your Academic Program, including appropriate documentation and a written statement. Please allow 1-2 weeks to be notified of the program’s decision.

Postponing A Core Course

Each graduate program has timeline requirements for core courses. After speaking with your advisor, If it is not possible for you to finish the core course in the appropriate amount of time, you must complete a form.

Please submit your completed form to your advisor.

Independent Study
Students who want to research a topic or pursue a subject more in-depth than is covered by coursework may register for up to nine credits of an Independent Study. This type of coursework does not substitute field study and/or internship requirements.
Transferring Credits

If you wish to transfer credits from another institution, or include credits from a different campus department, schedule a meeting with your advisor. Please note that any courses that were applied to the completion of another graduate degree are not eligible for transfer. All forms must be submitted to your advisor.

Non-Degree Seeking Student (formerly Advanced Special Student)

Students may request to include up to nine credits taken as a Non-Degree Seeking Student. The credits must be less than five years at the time of request, and the student must have earned a grade of a B or higher.

Leave of Absence

University of Maryland policy dictates that graduate students have five academic years to complete their program of study. In the event of childbearing, adoption, illness, or dependent care, students should complete the Leave of Absence Form and submit it to, and it will be sent to the Graduate School for review. A leave of absence stops the five-year degree clock.

Master’s and Pre-Candidacy doctoral students who plan to be away from the University and do not plan to graduate must submit a Request for Waiver of Continuous Registration to your advisor. A waiver of continuous registration does not stop the five-year degree clock.

Taking INFO Courses
UMD Students Requesting to take INFO Courses Graduate students outside of the UMD INFO College may request to take an INFO course by submitting a Registration Request for INFO Courses Form.
Courses Outside the UMD INFO College

Courses from other UMD Departments

Eligible coursework must be graduate-level and relevant to your degree program. Students who wish to take a course outside of the UMD INFO College, but within the University of Maryland, must have that course approved by their academic program in the INFO College. To submit the course for program approval, please fill out this webform. Please also note that even though the INFO program may approve a course from another department being used toward your INFO degree, students should request permission from that course’s instructor specifically before registering for the course.

Courses from other University System of Maryland Institutions

To take courses at other universities within the University System of Maryland, submit a written petition to your advisor regarding the course’s relevance. If approved by your program, follow the procedures for inter-institutional enrollment through the Office of the Registrar. Upon completion of the course, and earning a B or higher, submit the Request for Transfer or Inclusion of Credits.

Courses outside the University System of Maryland Institutions

Students can potentially transfer up to six graduate credits from institutions outside the University System of Maryland. Submit the Request for Transfer or Inclusion of Credits form along with a written petition explaining the relevance to your degree program.

Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area

Students may take courses at other area universities at no extra cost as part of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area if the desired course is not available at the University of Maryland. More information can be found here or by contacting UMD’s Consortium Coordinator at

Applying for Graduation
All students intending to graduate must apply for graduation via Testudo by the appropriate graduation deadline.
Independent Study, Thesis, and Dissertation
If you are interested in completing an independent study, registering for thesis or dissertation coursework, or any other course that requires instructor permission, please fill out the Instructor’s Approval Form. Keep in mind that you will need to obtain instructor approval before completing this webform. Please check your program’s handbook for regulations about thesis and independent study work.



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