(Video) SoDa Seed Grant Series: Socio-Algorithmic Foundations of Trustworthy News Recommendations - College of Information (INFO)

(Video) SoDa Seed Grant Series: Socio-Algorithmic Foundations of Trustworthy News Recommendations

Logan Delavan-Hoover - March 12, 2024

Privacy experts speak on national data efforts

SoDa Symposium over a yellow background.

On February 27, experts spoke at the SoDa seed grant series about the polarizing effects of news recommendation algorithms. The talk was moderated by INFO Professor Wayne Lutters and featured INFO Assistant Professor Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia, with comments by Ben Leff, Verasight co-founder and CEO. 

Ciampaglia elaborated on his ongoing work with a news recommendation algorithm that takes into account the political diversity of an article’s audience as an indicator of the quality of the article. 

“Can we start to think about rankings in ways that are not purely about optimizing engagement and the customer experience, but can we think about values such as pro-social values or democratic norms that should go into the way these ranking algorithms work?” Ciampaglia said.

Watch the full video here.