(Video) SoDa Center Workshop: The Future of Measurement, Surveys, and Social Data Science Research

Emily Davidson - November 2, 2022

A full day of roundtable discussions, plenary speakers, panel discussions, exhibits, and more.

The Future of Measurement, Surveys, and Social Data Science Research Workshop took place on September 21, 2022 at the Riggs Alumni Center on the University of Maryland, College Park campus. The event invited a diverse group of approximately 200 researchers and professionals from academia, industry, and government sectors. Sessions covered a number of timely and relevant topics, including: measuring race, gender, and other protected attributes to inform official statistics and AI models; survey research for social science and health applications; social data science, privacy, and perceptions; measuring emotion, conflict and disagreement; large scale infrastructure for social data science; social data science and collective resilience; and gathering and sampling social media streams.

You can watch the following recordings here or on YouTube:

Plenary Session I:


Plenary Session II: 




Panel Discussion: