The Passing of Margaret Carty - College of Information (INFO)

The Passing of Margaret Carty

iSchool News - February 10, 2021

Margaret Carty, MLA Executive Director and pillar of the library community, passed on Feb 4, 2021.

Margaret Carty, Executive Director of the Maryland Library Association (MLA), passed on February 4, 2021. She was a pillar of the Maryland library community, working up to her last days. She will be greatly missed by the UMD iSchool and so many others.

Shared by the MLA:

She was a brilliant non-profit leader and library advocate.

It is my very sad duty to tell you that our Executive Director, Margaret Carty, passed away last evening after a brief illness. We are heartbroken.

Margaret became the Executive Director of MLA in January of 1999. She did far more than lead the Association—she built it from the ground up. From afar, she was a brilliant non-profit leader and library advocate. Those of us who were fortunate to work closely with her knew her kindness, generosity, and ability to inspire and support everyone she came into contact with, especially new library leaders. Her loss feels too near at this time to be able to convey all that she means to us, but in the coming days and weeks, I look forward to honoring and celebrating her legacy in Maryland libraries with you

Please keep the Carty family, as well as Kate and Sara—our MLA office staff—in your thoughts and prayers. As we move through these difficult days, we will provide more updates. You are welcome to get in touch with me directly if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Morgan Miller, MLIS
President, MLA

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Donations in her memory have been directed to the Cary Library in Maine, a place that is very special to Margaret and her family. 
