Maryland Today: $6M Award From State to Help Extension Bridge Digital Divide - College of Information (INFO)

Maryland Today: $6M Award From State to Help Extension Bridge Digital Divide

Maryland Today Staff | UMD - June 3, 2022

UMD Info College faculty and students join team to develop programs to help underserved urban and rural communities access broadband internet.

Photo by Julia M. Cameron

The College of Information Studies (UMD Info College) will be working with the University of Maryland Extension (UME) to bolster the digital literacy training, competency, and education initiatives through a $6 million grant provided by the state of Maryland. Dr. Mega Subramaniam, along with doctoral students Alison Harding and Jane Behre, and HCIM students Jared Chi-Lok Lai, Imani Thibou, and Purva Madhav Mundlye.

The team will be working with the project lead from UME, Dr. Jinhee Kim to design, develop, and implement these education initiatives in the public libraries in Maryland. This team will be working to improve Marylanders’ access to information, including developing their digital literacy skills, and assisting community members with resources to obtain affordable broadband access and devices.

More information about the project can be found in the original article published by Maryland Today on June 1, 2022.