100 Women Making AI Ethical and Accessible - College of Information (INFO)

100 Women Making AI Ethical and Accessible

Laurie Robinson - December 19, 2022

Associate Professor Jessica Vitak made the list of 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics.

artwork representing artificial intelligence

New technologies are constantly emerging with the goal of making our lives easier, more efficient, and safer. But in trying to achieve those goals, we also need to ensure those technologies are not putting our data or our bodies at risk.

The 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics list, which is sponsored by the Social Good Fund, recognizes women who are working hard to mitigate the harms caused by artificial intelligence (AI) and make sure it is ethical, inclusive, and accessible for all. Jessica Vitak, associate professor at the College of Information Studies and director of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab, is part of this cohort of women who are pioneers and rising stars within the AI space and are committed to protecting society from a dystopian future ushered in by irresponsibly designed AI.

Recognizing the importance of this work, Vitak said, “The fight to build technologies that are privacy preserving and minimize social harms grows more important with each passing year, so I am very honored to be included in this list with 99 other brilliant women fighting beside me.”

Read the full list here.