News: INFO News

Front view of the UMD Library on a sunny day.

Collection Development, Preparing Future Librarians for Challenges Ahead

February 13, 2024 | Morgan Adle
Interview with Maggie Zarnosky Saponaro, Director of Collection Development Strategies.
Yellow background with the words Soda Symposium on top.

(Video) SODA Symposium: Data Literacy and Evidence Building – Birds of a Feather

February 6, 2024 | Logan Delavan-Hoover
Labor economists speak on national data efforts
Photo of the Facebook logo on a computer screen.

Maryland Today: To Like or Not to Like – Facebook at 20 (ft. Cody Buntain)

February 5, 2024 | Karen Shih | Maryland Today | UMD
Facebook changed the world, but not always for good - a UMD expert explains its complicated legacy
Photo of a woman using voice accessibility technology on a smart phone

Empowering the Blind Community Through Accessible Technology Education: Maryland’s Visionary Approach

February 3, 2024 | Julie Slivka | UMD Extension
A Marylanders Online project, led by the UMD Extension and the INFO College
Yellow background with the words Soda Symposium on top.

(Video) SODA Symposium: Evolving a Data Enterprise to Support Relevant, Timely, and Equitable Statistical Products

January 30, 2024 | Logan Delavan-Hoover
Census chief scientist speaks on shifting priorities in federal data processing
Photo of CP Scholars students sitting around a table

College Park Scholars to Launch Data Justice and Civic Engagement Programs

January 29, 2024 | Kenisha Rhone | CP Scholars
The INFO College will lead the Data Justice program, to start Fall 2024