Kari Kraus - College of Information (INFO)


Kari Kraus

Availability to Accept New PhD Students:

This faculty member is NOT currently accepting Ph.D. students

Kari Kraus

Associate Professor
 4111L Hornbake Bldg, South Wing

Kraus’s teaching and scholarship focuses on new media and the digital humanities; textual scholarship, print culture, and the history of the book; digital preservation; game studies; transmedia storytelling; and speculative design. Currently, Kraus is writing a book about how artists, designers and humanities researchers think about, model, and design possible futures. Kraus has written for the New York Times and the Huffington Post, and her work has been mentioned in the Atlantic, Baltimore Public Radio, the Huffington Post, Gamasutra, Wired, and the Long Now Foundation


PhD, Rochester

Associated Research Centers

Research & Focus Areas

Accepting PhD Students

This faculty member is NOT currently accepting Ph.D. students