Beatriz Haspo - College of Information (INFO)


Beatriz Haspo

Beatriz Haspo

Adjunct Lecturer (Collections Officer at the Library of Congress)

Beatriz Haspo is the Collections Officer at the Library of Congress, adjunct faculty at the University of Maryland in charge of the master degree course in Library and Archives Preservation, and a doctoral student in Museology at the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies in Portugal with a scholarship from UNESCO-Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity. She serves as volunteer Executive Director of APOYOnline – Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas, a non-profit organization that promotes communication, knowledge exchange, and professional development in the field of heritage preservation in the Americas and in Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries since 1989.

She is a senior book and paper conservator and Contracting Officer Representative, managing special library-wide initiatives, programs, and multi-million-dollar contracts for the Library of Congress, board member of the Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, and a Fellow of the International Institute for Conservation. She lectures and advises institutions worldwide, is a member of international organizations engaged in cultural heritage preservation, and fluent in five languages.