Tutoring, Tech & Accommodation Resources for UMD INFO Students - College of Information (INFO)

Tutoring, Tech & Accommodation Resources for UMD INFO Students

Academic Support & Tutoring Resources
  • The Office of Multi-ethnic Student Education (OMSE) – Offers a variety of services and programs to enhance the learning experiences of undergraduate students.
  • Academic Success and Tutorial Services – A resource for all students with a specific focus on serving students in “high-risk” courses.
  • University Writing Center – Provides opportunities for undergraduate students to improve writing and thinking skills in their academic work.
  • The Grammar Hotline – (Is currently down b/c of COVID-19) Can answer questions on word choice, punctuation, sentence structure, or proper citation.
  • Math Success Program – Free walk-in undergraduate math tutoring.
  • MathNet Test Bank – Search for a particular exam or set of exams from both past and present semesters.
  • Math Tutoring Schedule – Semester tutoring for specific math courses (ex. MATH113, MATH140, MATH220).
  • Accessibility and Disability Services – Provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals to ensure equal access to services, programs and activities sponsored by UMD.
  • Graduate School Writing Center
  • LinkedIn Learning – All UMD students have free access to LinkedIn Learning Online Courses – an online library of instructional videos covering the latest software, creative, and business skills.
  • DataCamp – offers 350+ free courses on R, Python, SQL, data visualization, ML, and more.
Technology Resources
  • TLC Equipment Loan Program – Rent laptops, chargers, iPads, headphones, cameras, adapters, and other equipment at UMD libraries. Take them with you to class or to work on projects.
  • Terrapin Tech – ​A UMD Division of IT program that allows registered students, faculty, and staff of the University of Maryland, College Park to purchase Apple and Dell computers at or below standard discounts, and receive substantial added benefits in technical support and warranty protection.
  • TLC Tech Desk in McKeldin Library – Laminate, bind, fax, and use other special print resources.
  • UMD TERPware – Download free software including Adobe Acrobat, Matlab, and Microsoft Office. Other software, such as SPSS, is available with purchase of a license.
Accommodation Resources

UMD’s Accessibility & Disability Service (ADS) office assists with arranging for interpreters for hearing-impaired students, readers for visually-impaired students, and writers for students with physical impairments. They provide wheelchair-bound students with a listing of all the access points on the College Park campus including locations of parking spaces, ramps, restrooms, etc. They also provide resources for online environments.

To receive accommodations, students must contact ADS.

Both the east and west entrances of the Hornbake Building (South Wing) are handicap accessible. Elevators and ramps are available in Hornbake Building (South Wing)

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