Curriculum – Dual Master Degree in History and Library & Information Science (HiLS)

Complete 54 credit hours of coursework within five calendar years of the first registered semester.

  • 24 credits must be LBSC, INST, or INFM courses in the INFO College, and must include:
    • The MLIS Core
    • A field study OR thesis
      • Note: Writing a thesis to fulfill the MLIS degree requirements does not satisfy the Department of History’s thesis requirements.
  • 24 credits must be taken within the Department of History (see Department of History for course requirements).
  • The remaining 6 credits are electives selected by the student.

Maintain an overall minimum grade point average of 3.0.

Students must receive a B or better in MLIS Core and MLIS required (field study or thesis) courses. Students who receive a B- or lower will be required to retake the course. Students may repeat a course only once. If a student fails to earn a B or better in the repeated course, they will be referred to the Students in Academic Difficulty Committee and may be dismissed from the program.


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