Frequently Asked Questions - College of Information (INFO)

Frequently Asked Questions

Access to both UMD and USG Resources?

Q. As a UMD student studying at USG, do I have access to USG Student Services?

  • As a University of Maryland (UMD) InfoSci student studying at The Universities at Shady Grove campus (USG) you have access to all services provided by USG. These include all services provided by the Office of Student & Academic Services department (i.e. the center for academic success, the center for student engagement and financial resources, the center for counseling and consultation, career and internship services, and the center for recruitment and transfer access), as well as all student activities, food service, study areas, computer labs, bookstore and a library, gym, USG scholarships, etc. For a list of all services available for USG students please visit the USG website.
  • In addition to all USG services, as an INFO College student, you also have access to all InfoSci academic and student services and events offered by the College of Information at both, College Park and Shady Grove, campuses. This includes INFO College scholarships, all InfoSci student organizations, INFO College faculty, and career/networking events.
  • As a UMD student, you have access to all UMD College Park services covered by your tuition (e.g. health center, counseling center, libraries, disability support services, career center). For example, you can use the University Career Center on the 3rd floor of the Hornbake Library building, the internship and job database Careers4terps, and McKeldin Library.
  • UMD students enrolled in an undergraduate program at USG also have the option of purchasing additional UMD College Park services covered by the UMCP Mandatory Fees, e.g. UMCP recreation center, athletic tickets, club sports, all UMD student organizations, etc. Students interested in purchasing these additional UMD College Park services covered by the UMCP Mandatory Fee should visit the USG Student Services Office and complete the necessary forms.
  • International Students @ USG: In addition to all mentioned above services, you will have access to an international student services advisor with the UMD International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) office. You may contact your ISSS advisor by calling 301-314-7740 or visiting the College Park ISSS Office.
  • Disability Support Services: If you have a documented disability, you should contact the Center for Academic Success at the Universities at Shady Grove. They will act as your liaison with UMD’s Disability Support Services (DSS). Email, Phone: 301-738-6315, Webpage.

  • Yes. All InfoSci @ Shady Grove students are encouraged to apply for scholarships, offered by both, USG and INFO at College Park, campuses for which they are eligible.
  • CP Scholarships
  • USG Scholarships
Comparing InfoSci Shady Grove and InfoSci College Park

Q. What are the advantages of studying InfoSci at Shady Grove?

  • Students studying at Shady Grove will enjoy small class sizes and easy access to academic advising and career counselors. Expedited registration will assure course availability. The Shady Grove Center is a beautifully corporate setting with state-of-the-art classrooms and computer labs—located close to everything in the high-tech Montgomery County corridor.

Q. What are the differences between the InfoSci program offered at Shady Grove and College Park?

  • The program at Shady Grove admits students only during the fall semester due to the cohort style of four semesters sequential full-time degree program. There are no mid-year admissions into the Shady Grove program.
  • All courses at Shady Grove are taught by the same INFO College faculty; the program consists of the same required courses and has the same graduation requirements as the one offered at UMCP. Students who complete the InfoSci program at Shady Grove graduate and receive a degree/diploma from the University of Maryland, College Park, College of Information
Registration & Grading

Q. How will course registration work at Shady Grove?

  • The InfoSci @ Shady Grove program is a full-time two-year cohort-based program, in which your degree requirements are offered during only one semester of your 4-semester sequence. The expectation is that you will complete all of your degree requirements at Shady Grove. You will meet with an InfoSci academic advisor to discuss and register for your courses every semester.
  • You will receive an email once registration dates are set with a time and date at which you can begin registration on Testudo. In order to register on time you must have:
    • attended a mandatory in-person advising with your academic advisor at Shady Grove;
    • taken care of all outstanding bills;
    • submitted all immunization and medical forms.
  • IMPORTANT: When registering for classes, you must follow the “required course sequence,” given to you by your academic advisor, which assures you a timely graduation.

Q. What is the Schedule Adjustment period? What is drop with and without a “W”?

  • The schedule adjustment period (otherwise known as the add/drop period) occurs during the first 10 days of classes. The schedule adjustment period is the time when you can add and/or drop courses; and the changes that you make to your schedule do not show on your official transcript. If you drop a course during the schedule adjustment period, a withdrawal (W) is NOT noted on your transcript.
  • Once the schedule adjustment period ends, you can no longer add courses. However, you can still drop a course with a “W” noted on your transcript up until the date listed in the Schedule of Classes as the last day to drop with a “W” –
  • Under UMCP policy, students may only drop one course unless special permission is granted for extenuating circumstances. You must meet with your InfoSci academic advisor before dropping any courses so you can plan when you will make up the dropped course. As mentioned before, InfoSci @ Shady Grove follows a set-sequence of courses and dropping even one of them could significantly delay your graduation.
  • Please note that the Schedule Adjustment Schedule and the Refund Schedule are two different things. If you wish to drop a course and get a 100% refund, the course need to be dropped before the first day of classes in a given semester. Please follow this link for more information

Q. I had a bad semester and received a “D” in one of my required INST courses. Can I repeat the course? Do I follow UM or Shady Grove academic policies?

  • Students can attempt a course twice. (Please note: a drop with a “W” from a course is considered an attempt.) If you have already attempted the course twice and need to repeat the course for the third time, you must meet with your academic advisor to discuss this situation. Please remember that under the UMD repeat policy a student can only repeat up to 18 credits. Re-taking a course for which you received a “W” is counted as a repeat. All UMD undergraduate academic policies and regulations can be found here

Q. Can I take courses at other institutions (this includes taking courses at College Park)?

  • The InfoSci @ Shady Grove program is a full-time two-year cohort-based program, in which your degree requirements are offered during only one semester of your four-semester sequence. The expectation is that you will complete all of your degree requirements at Shady Grove. The only time we foresee you having to take a course at another institution is if you are missing a required lower-level core course that is not offered in your program sequence at Shady Grove or if you must repeat a course that you failed to complete with a “C-” or better. You must have prior approval from your InfoSci academic advisor before taking any (fall, spring, summer, or winter term) classes at another institution.

Q. Since I was admitted to the University of Maryland, InfoSci program at Shady Grove, can I also take a few classes at College Park?

  • The InfoSci program at Shady Grove is a full-time two-year cohort-based program, in which your degree requirements are offered during only one semester of your 4-semester sequence. The expectation is that you will complete all of your degree requirements at Shady Grove. When students are admitted to the InfoSci program, they are admitted to a specific program location: College Park or Shady Grove. Students cannot go back and forth between the two program locations. There are exceptions to this rule. Please consult your InfoSci advisor for more information.

Q. I am worried, with so many different academic programs offered at Shady Grove, students in other academic programs could take InfoSci INST courses and block me out of courses I need to graduate?

  • This will not happen. All InfoSci INST required and elective courses are reserved for students enrolled in the InfoSci at Shady Grove cohort program.

Q. It is the first week of classes and I am already feeling a bit overwhelmed with 15 credits. Can I drop one class and maybe take a lighter load?

  • First, you must have permission from your InfoSci academic advisor to drop or add any course at anytime.
  • You need to make sure that you are still within the University deadlines for dropping and adding. Requests to add or drop courses past the deadlines can be approved only for demonstrated extenuating circumstances beyond your control. Your advisor will work with you to assist in the event of serious extenuating circumstances preventing you from completing your full course load at Shady Grove.
  • Please remember that the InfoSci program at Shady Grove follows a set sequence, and dropping even one course could significantly delay your graduation.

Q. The deadline to withdraw from a class with a “W” has passed, but I wanted to wait until I took an exam to see whether I needed to drop the class, and now I am afraid of getting a bad grade in the course. The professor says I should drop, and gave me his permission. Will my late withdrawal be approved?

  • Professors cannot authorize late course withdrawals. You may withdraw from a course after the deadline only for demonstrated extenuating circumstances beyond your control. Doing poorly in class is not an extenuating circumstance. If you are experiencing a serious problem and are not able to continue with your courses in a given semester, please make an appointment to see your academic advisor so we can help you as soon as possible.

Q. If an InfoSci instructor gives me a note, will I be allowed to add a full section or late register for a course?

  • No. Professors cannot authorize over-subscriptions or late registration.
Other Academic Policy Questions
Q. As an InfoSci student at Shady Grove, what academic calendar will I follow?

Q. Is an internship required to complete the program and how do I get an internship?

  • An internship isn’t required to complete the InfoSci Program, and you will not earn credits in case you complete an internship. However, students are strongly encouraged to do at least one paid or unpaid internship while in the program. Internships are about professional experience and will help you grow and expand your professional network. Your internship experience will help you in finding your first job upon graduation.
  • UMD, USG, and INFO all organize various professional development events throughout academic year, helping students meet potential employees, expand their professionals network, and find internship and full/part-time employment opportunities. Please attend as many events as you can.

Q. My grades for this past semester were very low, and I’m afraid of being dismissed. What will happen next?

  • University policy defines “satisfactory academic performance” as a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better. If your cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, you will be placed on academic probation and face possible dismissal from the University at the end of the next semester. You should meet with your academic advisor immediately to address your academic difficulties.

Q. What grade is required for benchmark, major, and specialization courses.

  • All benchmark, major, and specialization courses must be passed with a C- or better. Every student is given two attempts for each course.
  • If you fail to complete a course required by your program with a “C-” or better, you will have to repeat the course. Please consult your academic advisor to discuss how you will make up the failed course. Please note that failing a course
    can delay your graduation.

Q. I am a parent of a student in the Information Science major and would like access to my student’s course schedule, grades, account balance.

Q. Where is the office for receiving undergraduate students services in the Information Science (InfoSci) major?

  • The Universities at Shady Grove
    9630 Gudelsky Drive
    Building III, Office 5109
    Rockville, Maryland 20850

Q. If I receive an incomplete in a course, how long do I have to complete it and receive my grade? What if I don’t finish it?

  • “Incomplete” is given only to a student whose work in a course has been qualitatively satisfactory,
  • when, because of illness or other circumstances beyond the student’s control, he or she has been unable to complete some small portion of the work of the course.
  • A student must work with a course instructor to complete the Incomplete Contract form( and submit it to your academic advisor. The student removes the “I” by completing work assigned by the instructor; it is the student’s responsibility to request arrangements for completion of the work. The work must be completed by the time indicated in the contract, usually by the end of the next semester, but in any event, no later than one year. If the remaining work for the course as defined in the contract is not completed on schedule, the instructor should convert the “I” to the grade indicated on the contract.

Q. Is advising mandatory for undergraduate students in the major?

  • Yes, advising is mandatory for all InfoSci students at Shady Grove. All students must schedule an appointment to meet with their academic advisor each semester prior to registration.

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