Undergraduate Advising (Shady Grove) - College of Information (INFO)

Undergraduate Advising (Shady Grove)

Our advisors are here to support you along your academic journey. Please reach out at any time with ideas, questions, or concerns.

Prospective Students – Questions & Pre-Transfer Advising

If you are interested in the Information Science undergraduate program offered at the Shady Grove campus and would like to discuss the program, its admission requirements, and deadlines, email us at usgInfoSci@umd.edu. You can also schedule a pre-transfer advising appointment at https://go.umd.edu/infosci-sg-advising. Coming in for a pre-transfer advising appointment is the best way to ensure that you are properly prepared to transfer to the Information Science program. Pre-transfer advising appointments typically take about 30 minutes and are with our Academic Advisor and Outreach Coordinator. Please bring a copy of your unofficial transcript(s) with you to the meeting to be reviewed.

Current Students – Advising

To schedule an appointment, email your Academic Advisor at usgInfoSci@umd.edu or schedule a virtual or in-person appointment at https://go.umd.edu/infosci-sg-advising. Please note that current students have to meet with their Academic Advisor at least once every semester to discuss their course plan for the following semester. Note: Mandatory Advising is currently being held virtually; to schedule an appointment, email your Academic Advisor at usginfosci@umd.edu.


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