(Video) SoDa Symposium: A Dialogue at the Intersection of Human-Computer Interaction and Social Data Science Methods - College of Information (INFO)

(Video) SoDa Symposium: A Dialogue at the Intersection of Human-Computer Interaction and Social Data Science Methods

UMD INFO Staff - April 21, 2023

INFO Professor Jen Golbeck and JPSM instructor Jen Romano spoke on a panel moderated by INFO Professor Wayne Lutters.

Photo of a person using a computer and tablet.

In a discussion moderated by College of Information Studies (INFO) Professor Wayne Lutters, INFO Professor Jen Golbeck spoke about user profiling, specifically on those who are recovering from addiction. Golbeck’s research focuses on artificial intelligence, social media, privacy, and trust on the web. She is also an active science communicator, speaking with the media and at conferences about current issues in tech.

Jen Romano, a senior UX manager at Google, an instructor at UC Berkeley Extension and at the University of Maryland Joint Program in Survey Methodology, and a UXR coach, spoke about user experience research. She specializes in efficient applications of research methods to ensure scientific rigor is not compromised while working fast to gain actionable results. Her research specialties include usability, eye tracking, survey design, experimental design, and cognitive aging.

Watch a recording of the conversation here: