(Video) Search Mastery Speaker Series: The Search for Knowledge—How Technology Changes Everything You Know (Literally) and How You Know Everything - College of Information (INFO)

(Video) Search Mastery Speaker Series: The Search for Knowledge—How Technology Changes Everything You Know (Literally) and How You Know Everything

INFO Staff - November 28, 2023

Free Range Research Scientist Dan Russell discusses how instant access to information has changed the way we think


Dan Russell, a free range research scientist, gave a presentation Oct. 19 about how emerging technology such as AI will change society as part of the College of Information Studies’ (INFO) Search Mastery Speaker Series.

Russell explained that AI is embedded in products we use everyday. To predict how this product will impact society in the future, he looked to the past and explored how instant access to information has impacted thought processes.

“I can teach you a bunch of stuff about search but research is more than just a list of tricks,” Russell said. “It’s difficult to capture on a slide or two or a hand out or PDF file what you need to know about finding knowledge and finding information accurately.”

Russell has worked with AI and Human-Computer Interaction for nearly 40 years at top companies such as Google and Apple. He teaches in the Human-AI group at Stanford’s Computer Science Department and is currently a visiting scholar at the University of Zürich Informatics department.

Watch the full video below.