(Video) Dean’s Lecture Series: Game-Changers: Unleashing the Power of Sports Informatics in Athletics - College of Information (INFO)

(Video) Dean’s Lecture Series: Game-Changers: Unleashing the Power of Sports Informatics in Athletics

Maia Johnston - May 29, 2024

Panelists discuss the game changing unification of sports and data

UMD Dean's Lecture panelists on stage.

The landscape of athletics is constantly evolving, particularly in relation to data analytics. As part of the Dean’s Lecture Series, UMD’s College of Information Studies (INFO) brought together a group of panelists to discuss the game changing unification of sports and data on April 16, 2014. 

At the core of the talk was the intersection between information technology and the future of sports. Questions surrounding coaching techniques, play-by-play decisions, and driving revenue in reference to data collection were answered. 

Organizer of the panel, INFO Professor Tammy Clegg, opened up the dynamic discussion by detailing how “information and technology is changing and transforming society. Athletics is an important context to study the change because athletic data is shaping the way athletics is done.” 

Panelists included Eli Logan Dross, Damon Evans, Ben Hoffman, Erianne Weight, Chad Wells, and Derek Willis. This talk was the third and final session in the series for the academic year. 

Watch the full Dean’s Lecture Series event below or on YouTube.